See Ya Soon

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Zendaya G!P

Dinah's POV

I sat in Lauren's Grandma's living room. I'd sent Z the package last week with the pregnancy test in it. I've been on pins and needles ever since. I'm worried how she's gonna react. Considering that she's halfway across the country, she doesn't have any real obligation to me at all unless she really wants to. What scares me is her opening it and breaking up with me immediately.

"You're awfully quiet over there. What'cha thinkin' about?" Lauren asked. I looked down at my fingers sadly.

"Do you you think Z's gonna dump me?" I asked quietly. I could tell that she didn't fully hear me, but she got the point of the message.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. She and I are both kinda young, and we didn't exactly expect this so soon. Maybe...y'know in a few more years perhaps. After I finished this whole internship, and figured out what I was really gonna do with life."

"I thought you'd already figured it out."

"I thought so too," I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I choked back on a sob.

"Hey, hey, hey. There's no need to cry." Danielle kneeled in front of me. She gently held my face so I'd look at her. "You've always known your plan since day one. Hell you made powerpoints on it when we were younger," she said making me giggle. "And you even made moderations for them in case something happened. I remember you saying sometimes that you never really envisioned yourself with your baby and someone else anyways. But from what I know about Z, she wouldn't do that to you. Especially you. She loves you so much and now she's getting two? If that were the case with me, I'd be over the moon. And you have absolutely nothing to worry about, cause you have so many people who would still love you and the baby. Okay?"

"Okay." I was feeling better, but until I heard it from Zendaya herself I stayed on my toes. My phone buzzed in the front pocket of my sweatshirt. A text from my baby.

Zendaya💖— I'm omw back home Nell said the package from you is here so I'll open it then.

Me— Alright but call me first, I wanna see you open it

Zendaya💖— Lol okay princess I will

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. Lauren looked at me with a knowing look. "Here goes nothing," I said. I gathered my stuff, getting ready to go back to my dad's.

"Good luck Moonshine. Let me know how it goes," Lauren said embracing me in a hug. I held her tightly, scared to let go.


About half an hour later my phone started ringing. Zendaya. She wanted to FaceTime with me. I took a deep breath and answered. "Hi baby!" My voice laced with anxiety.

"Hey princess! How are you?" Zendaya asked with a bright smile.

"I fine. How are you?"

"I'm so excited to open this box; it's been sitting here all day."

"Me too. I'm kinda nervous."

"What for? Unless you put like a rat in here or something, you have nothing to worry about," Zendaya joked, having no idea what life changing contents were in this box. I laughed nervously. "Alright, I'm in the house." After watching her greet Noon and Darnell, the awaited moment arrived. She set up her phone on the counter so I could see her and the box clearly. "Okay here we go. I'm so excited."

Zendaya did a goofy dance as she reached for a pair of scissors. "Wait, wait, wait. Don't open it yet." She groaned playfully. I trotted upstairs to my childhood bedroom which was thankfully empty of anybody. I pressed the record screen button, having a hunch that she'd want to see this in the future. "Okay good ahead." I watched her squeal as she opened the cardboard. Her eyes lit up as she looked at the contents inside.

"Oooo! You got me stuff," the brunette sang out. She took out the first gift, a bag of gummy dolphins that she'd wanted for a while. "Oh my gosh. Thank you baby! Ugh, you have no idea how much I've craved these. I love you so much."

"I love your dorky ass too," I laughed. She laughed along with me. Zendaya took the next item out, my sweatshirt. "I always take yours and I figured I could return the favor with one of mine."

"Awww. That's so sweet I love it." She hugged the clothing tight to her chest looking at me with pure love in her eyes. Zendaya slid it over her hair, putting the brown lock in a lose bun afterwards. I giggled seeing that it fit kinda small. It looked cute on her though cause I always got one size bigger than my actual size. It was just the waist that looked odd, yet she made it work. "Thank you baby girl."

"You're welcome." She finished off the rest of them until she got to the final one. This is it. What I'd been waiting for. I bit my lip nervously as she unwrapped the bracelet box I'd put the test in. My heart was beating out of my chest. I could fell it clawing its way up my throat. Breathing was becoming foreign to me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face and the underarms of my shirt becoming damp with sweat.

"You okay there baby? You look a little flushed."

"I-I'm fine. You'll see soon." Time slowed as she removed the paper from the small box. The creaking of the velvet covered box echoed in my mind. I waited in anticipation for her reaction. My life changed forever. I saw her confusedly flip the little stick over, and her expression change.

"W-Wha...what is this? I-Is this real?" Her eyes misted a little. She bit back a smile. A sigh of relief escaped my lungs. Thank God. I nodded to answer her question. "Y-You're lying. No, oh my god. You're serious." She let out a sob, sinking to the ground covering her mouth. It made me smile to see that she was so happy. "I love you s-so much. Thank you." I opened my mouth to respond, but she started her own parade. "Oh my God! Darnell! DARNELL! DARNELL!" I watched her run upstairs bursting into the man's room. It was dark, so I assumed he's asleep.

"Don't wake him up," I scolded.

"I have to tell someone! Darnell wake up!" Zendaya shouted jumping on his bed. I heard him groan. "Wake uuup!"

"What Zendaya?! What? What could you possibly want right now?!"

"Dinah's pregnant! I'm gonna be a mommy!" Zendaya shouted. "You gotta help me find a flight. I gotta see her. Darnell, wake uuupp!"

"Okay! Okay! Why do you need a flight again?" I snorted at his lack of sleep.

"Daya, let the man sleep."

"But I gotta see you," she pouted.

"And you will. I promise. But let him become aware of his surroundings first. Okay?"

"Otay. I love you."

"Love you more baby. See you soon."

"See ya."

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