Connected At the Wrist

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"See you in the morning sweetie. You got a big day ahead of you," Claire said walking to the door. Zendaya smiled at her mother snuggling under her blanket.

"Night mom."

"Night baby." When her mother closed her door, she immediately sat up and pulled down her left sleeve. The bracelet she'd gotten today was supposed to light up when it was officially her eighteenth birthday, and then lead her to her soulmate--romantically speaking. But so far nothing happened. It just looked like any old beaded bracelet.

She groaned flopping back onto her pillow. The brunette grabbing her hoodie from the bedpost, wrapping it around her body. It was around ten at night so everyone  in her house should be asleep, making this a lot easier for her.

Zendaya opened her window and carefully crawled through. Crouching on the window sill she turned back slightly closing the window. Not all the way or she'd get locked out. Zendaya then made her way up to her roof, and then over to her next door neighbors'. There she found her best friend's window open as it usually was around this hour.

She crawled through, hearing the shower running from the ensuite bathroom. She must be in the shower, Zendaya thought to herself.

Taking off her hoodie, the older of the two girls made herself comfortable on the younger's bed. The shower turned off and Dinah walked out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Hey Z. Anything happened yet?" Dinah asked slipping on a pair of shorts under her towel.

"No nothing. But to be fair I've only had it for a few hours," Zendaya said waiting for the blonde to join her on the bed. After wrapping up her hair in a wet and messy bun, Dinah laid with her best friend in bed. "Did your mom give you yours yet?"

"No. I begged, but she said no. I even tried asking my dad and all he said was 'ask your mom'," Dinah said mocking her dad's deep voice. Zendaya giggled at her best friend.

"You'll get it soon enough. She has to give it to you soon. Your birthday comes up in a few months," Zendaya said leaning on her arm. Dinah turned towards her, mirroring her position.

"Who am I kidding? It's practically a year away," Dinah pouted. Zendaya giggled again. She had the best best friend ever.


Sometime around one that morning Zendaya's bracelet began to glow. The light got brighter and brighter until it beamed directly on Dinah's face. The blonde held her hand up over her eyes, shielding them from the light.

She groaned sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looked down at Zendaya realizing what was bothering her. Dinah lightly shook the brunette. "Daya, wake up. Your bracelet's glowing in my face."

Zendaya mumbled something under her breath and rolled over. Dinah then realized something as she went to lay back down. "Z, you're bracelet's glowing!" Dinah exclaimed shaking the teen.

Zendaya sat up this time, holding her bracelet up to her eyesight. "Wait does this mean I look for them now?" the brunette asked.

"I guess so. It can't really hurt. C'mon," Dinah said pulling the girl out of the bed. Zendaya groaned looking at the glowing bracelet.

"Now what?" Dinah held Zendaya's wrist in her hand. She tapped glowing bead on the bracelet making it glow brighter. Looking down at the ground the girls saw an arrow pointing towards the bedroom door. "Do we follow it?"

The blonde smiled at her best friend, and grabbed her hand. She held the girl's wrist out, having the arrow lead the way out of the room. They followed the arrow down the hall until it turned. They stopped in front of Dinah's parents' room. Zendaya furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Okay what's going on? Why's it pointing towards your parents' room?"

"I don't know. I didn't make it. Should we go in?" Dinah asked. Zendaya shrugged. But before the two had a chance to think about it, the door flung open. 

"Dinah what did you do to your bracelet?" Milika asked holding the bracelet box as it glowed in her hand. Zendaya's eyes went wide.

"I didn't do anything to it," Dinah said.

"Well here. I guess it's time for you to have it then," Milika said giving her the box and going back into her room. Dinah sat against the wall opening the box. Zendaya followed suit sitting across from her. The blonde put the bracelet on her wrist and tapped it just as Zendaya had done before. 

A beam shot out at Zendaya before scanning over her body completly. Zendaya's bracelet did the same to Dinah. 

Scan complete. Soulmate located.

The teens' jaws dropped. "Y-You're m-my soulmate?" Zendaya stuttered. Dinah nodded. Zendaya smiled affectionately. "I was hoping you would be."

Seven Years Later...

"And that's how your mommy and I got together," Dinah said brushing her and Zendaya's three year old's hair.

"I get a bracelet too Mama?" 

"Of course you do sweetie. When you're older though," Dinah said putting a bow on the girl's head. "Alright go tell your brother and sister to put their shoes on or we'll be late."

"Otay Mama." The little girl hopped off Dinah's lap and ran out of the room. Zendaya waddled out of the bathroom, her four month pregnant belly poking out proudly. 

"This baby finna be big as shit as big as my stomach is," Zendaya groaned sitting on the bed attempting to put her sneakers on. 

"Unless it's triplets again. I was that big with them at that time," Dinah joked helping her wife with the sneakers.

"Don't play like that. I love our kids, but if this is a multi-birth we're stopping here," Zendaya said sternly.

"Yes ma'am," Dinah chuckled, kissing Zendaya's hand which held the bracelet that changed it all. "Now c'mon. It's the trouble trio's first day of school. Which means our first day of freedom."

"I can't wait."

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