Cottage O' Love

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(A/N: I've been trying something new lately so keep these things in mind while reading. It's set in England in the early 1700s. Dinah is G!P. Hope you enjoy.)

Zendaya made her way own the cobblestone streets of the town square. With her basket in tow she stepped into one of the town's bakeries. It was the less popular of the two because of the typical—rumors and stupidity. But that was also one of the reasons she liked it so much. It was almost always empty and that meant more goods for her to choose from.

The bell above the door jingled making her presence known to the baker in front of the oven. The blonde woman wiped the sweat from her forehead, leaving a streak of flour behind in its place. Zendaya put her hand over her lips covering her smile.

"Good morning Dinah Jane. Any new treats today?" Zendaya greeted, her British accent rolling off the tongue.

"M'friad not Ms. Coleman. I did just bake a fresh batch of your favorite cookies," Dinah said putting more bread in the brick oven.

"Oh splendid! I'll take a few of those and two loaves of bread please." Dinah smiled, taking the basket from the older woman's hands.

"Very well. That'll be four shillings then," Dinah filled the basket with freshly baked snickerdoodles. Zendaya took out her money bag, emptying what was left of it. Three measly shillings.

Zendaya pouted, now sad she wouldn't be able to afford much until her father gave her more money next week. "I only have three I'm afraid. I guess I'll just take the bread then."

Dinah shook her head giving her the basket anyway. "Nonsense. I'll take two just because you're so—" The younger stopped herself when she heard the jingle pf the front doorbell again. It was her brother and his friends.

"Hey freak," he said smacking the back of her head. Dinah groaned holding her head.

"I'm what?" Zendaya asked, watching them walk to the back of the store. Dinah shook her head and put the money in the cash box. "You shouldn't let them speak to you that way. It's not right. You deserve more respect than that."

"I-I'm fine Ms. Coleman. D-Don't worry about it." Zendaya sighed walking towards the front door. She looked over her shoulder seeing Dinah's brother pull her hair from its neat bun. She could see tears in Dinah's eyes. The man tossed her hair comb across the bakery floor. It slid hitting Zendaya's boot.

She bent down picking it up. Zendaya shook her head as she knew she could do nothing about it. I guess I'll have to talk to her on my own time.


That night Zendaya on her cloak and riding boots. She went out to her father's stables and got her horse ready for their nightly journey. The horse was startled at first, and began making noise. "Shh shh girl. Its's alright. It's just me Breeze."

Zendaya put a saddle over Breeze's back, and mounted her. "C'mon girl," Zendaya whispered before kicking at her sides. She quietly made her way through the woods. At the fork in the road where she usually made her way to town on the right, she went left towards the abandoned cottage in the glade that her and Dinah secretly refurbished.

They loved each other but with the town's gossip and Dinah's anxiety they decided to keep their love quiet. She pulled the reigns, making the horse stop in front of the small home. Zendaya hopped down from Breeze's back; a twig snapped under her boot startling Breeze into a panic. With a terrified whinny she was off. "Breeze! Come back!" Letting out a frustrated groan Zendaya kicked at the dirt. She stopped, hearing a rustle in the branches nearby. " that y-you?" The rustle got closer and closer.

Dinah came through the nightly mist with Breeze's reigns in tow. The brunette sighed in relief at the sight of her lover. "Thank you so much darling," Zendaya cheesed, wrapping her arms around Dinah's neck. Dinah returned the hug running her hands along the woman's back.

"It'was no fuss about it. She was just frightened is all," Dinah said petting the horse's mane.

"You naughty girl. You had me worried sick," Zendaya scolded as she hugged her pony. Breeze neighed in response making the two giggle. "So...shall we my love?"

After making sure Breeze was comfortable and secure, the young couple made their way into their makeshift home. Dinah started a fire as Zendaya sifted through her satchel for the treats she'd bought. "I baked more cookies for you. I know you seemed upset earlier."

"T'wasn't because of the cookies, and I know you know why," the brunette snapped. Dinah got quiet, turning back to the heat of the fire. Zendaya smacked herself internally for speaking like that to Dinah. "I-I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to lash out."

"It's alright. I understand you just want to protect me, even though I don't really need it. I love you for it but I don't need it," Dinah said stirring the fire. Zendaya sat next to the blonde. She gently ran her hand through the curly tresses, positioning them into a neat bun. Placing the missing comb into the bun she pecked the caramel skin girl's cheek.

"You're so strong Dinah, and I know you are. But I hate seeing people treat you that way. Especially your brother."

"He's only doing it to show off in front of his friends—"

"Which he shouldn't be doing either. He's lucky I didn't make him apologize in front of his friends," Zendaya said half jokingly. Dinah let out a shy giggle. "I'm serious."

"You're a feisty thing aren't you?" Dinah frappe her arms around her lover's slender waist. "I was thinking...what if we moved away from the village and just...lived here?"

" this cottage here?" Dinah nodded. Zendaya smiled at the blonde. "What about your bake shop?"

"I can still work there if you want me too. No one really comes besides you anyway. And we can wait a while. Maybe after a moon of saving we can live here," Dinah laid her head on Zendaya's shoulder. "Please love? I can't stand the thought of your father marrying you off to someone else."

The hazel eyed woman leaned down kissing the younger woman's lips. She pulled Dinah closer into her embrace. "Yes, yes. A thousand times yes. I'd love to live with you my darling. I simply adore you Dinah."

"And I you Zendaya."

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