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Dinah G!p

Zendaya walked into the kitchen where Dinah typed away intently on her phone. "Baby, can we talk?" Zendaya asked timidly.

"Sure, what about babe?" Dinah replied, not looking up.

"Um so I went to the doctors today. Y'know cause I've been feeling really shitty all week, and-"

"Yeah, uh huh, great story Z," Dinah said staring at her phone. Zendaya furrowed her eyes at the woman before continuing to talk.

"Anyways...I was telling the nurse how I'd been throwing up and feeling sleep-"

"Quality entertainment Z. I'm loving the suspense," Dinah interrupted once more. The brunette scoffed and took the phone from her girlfriend's hand. "Babe what the hell?!"

"You haven't heard a thing I've said have you?" Zendaya asked. Dinah shook her head and put her hand out. "Fuck you Dinah!"

Zendaya slammed the phone in the blonde's hand making Dinah hiss in pain. "Daya, don't be like that. C'mon."

Zendaya went into their bedroom slamming the door behind her.


Dinah sat on the toilet typing away on her phone. Zendaya walked in holding her nose.

"We really have to talk D," Zendaya said.

"Can't this wait til after I get out the bathroom?" Dinah whined.

Not really, Zendaya thought. "I'll be really quick about it. So the doctor said-"

"Damn it Z! Let me shit in peace please!" Dinah exclaimed. Zendaya growled and left the bathroom. She then went into their bedroom and flopped onto the bed. She took a piece of paper from her pocket, grazing her fingers over the bottom sentence.

Zendaya Coleman is 99.9% positive of the condition...

Dinah walked into the bedroom, making Zendaya slip the paper under her pillow. The brunette turned away from her self centered girlfriend. "Babe, I'm sorry," Dinah apologized.

Zendaya pulled the comforter over her head. The Polynesian let out a sigh and cuddled up next to the younger girl. "Please don't be mad at me Z. I didn't mean to yell at you."

She heard Zendaya grumble something under the comforter. Dinah just laid there silently.


Dinah tenderly kissed Zendaya's jawline. Her fingers raked along the mixed woman's naked thighs. "Are you ready for me baby girl?"

Zendaya nodded, keeping her eyes closed. She took hold of Dinah's member and aligned it with her sipping wet entrance. A painful pleasure shit through her when Dinah thrusted herself into her.

"Yes Dinah!" Zendaya cries out loudly. She clawed her fingers into Dinah's back, leaving small marks behind. She clenched her pussy against the blonde's rock hard dick.

Dinah bit her lip in complete lust. "Do that again Z!" Dinah moaned. Zendaya complies pleasuring herself even more in the process. Dinah's fingers rubbed themselves against Zendaya's clit.

Dinah pulled herself out of her girlfriend's pussy. Dinah rubbed her dick up and down Zendaya's slit. The younger woman moaned. She then took Dinah's hand in her own. "Before we finish, I want to talk to you about something," Zendaya said.

"Okay, talk," Dinah said kissing down Zendaya's body. Zendaya sat back against their pillows. She then took a deep breath before talking.

"Well as you know I-I-" She stopped to let out a moan. Dinah made eye contact with Zendaya as her tongue darted expertly out of the woman's pussy.

"Don't stop talking now," Dinah commanded. Zendaya's chest heaved as her breathing became uneven.

"I-I've b-been feeling...Shit baby," Zendaya interrupted herself once more. Dinah slapped Zendaya's bottom, making Zendaya moan and jump. "Bad! I've been feeling b-bad."

"Why've you been feeling bad?" Dinah asked finally stopping her actions. She sat back on her legs giving Zendaya her full attention.

"If we're stopping, I should cover up," Zendaya said as she grabbed her nearby robe. Dinah waited patiently.

Her nerves were going through the roof. Was it her fault? Did she do something wrong? Dinah knew she'd been more of an ass lately. And she prayed that didn't make Zendaya upset or stressed.

Zendaya took Dinah's hands again. "Like I was saying, I've been feeling bad lately. And no not because of you," Zendaya assures. Dinah let out a sigh of relief. "Sort of, anyways"

"Daya! What do you mean sort of?!" Dinah exclaimed. She stood to her feet quickly, making her dick bounce. Zendaya covered her mouth, trying to hold her laughter. "This isn't funny. Why was it sort of my fault?"

"If you sit down and cover up maybe I could tell you," Zendaya laughed. Dinah sat down and pulled the sheets over her body. "Okay. It was kind of your fault because you were involved in the process of me obtaining the thing."

"Oh my God. Do you have an STD?"

"Let me talk please!" Zendaya took another deep breath before continuing. "I went to the doctor's office and she told me I'm... pregnant."

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "But that can't be. You said you were on birth control."

"I forgot to take it one week," Zendaya mumbled playing with her nails. Dinah looked down with her hands running through her hair. "Baby say something please."

Dinah mugged her girlfriend and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.



Two days later they still hadn't spoken; not civilly anyways. Zendaya was resting after a long day at work and running errands. She now laid on the couch, too tired to go to her bedroom.

Dinah had walked through the front door with a Chipotle bag in hand. "Hey baby," Dinah greeted cheerfully with a kiss to the cheek.

Zendaya looked confusingly at the blonde. She was shocked, but replied nicely anyways. "Hey DJ. Uh...how was your day?"

"Pretty chill. Why're you so cuddled up?"

"Well I haven't cuddled with anyone in a few days," Zendaya said. Dinah rolled her eyes.

She's always been so petty, Dinah thought.

"I'm sorry Zendaya," Dinah apologized. She then brought over their plates of food, and sat on the couch next to Zendaya. "I thought about it and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I should've been thinking more about you and the baby. I feel more prepared now to take on this responsibility."

Dinah handed Zendaya her plate of food. "I wish you would've said that a few hours ago," Zendaya whispered.

"What was that?" Dinah turned to see a guilty look spread across the brunette's face. "What did you do Z?"

"I got rid of it," Zendaya said pushing her food around her plate. Dinah groaned as she sat back against the couch.


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