I'm Natasha-napped

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“Relax Natasha,” Kalki was screaming though in a calm voice. “I know how to slow down time!” When I refused to do anything, with his free hand he opened his palm towards the ground and suddenly the wind was not stinging in my face.  We landed dramatically slowly on land.

Though the landing was quite safe my heart throbbed as fast as the heart of a new born child’s.  I went and sat on a rock feeling like I was going to throw up.  I tried to breathe normally and control my spinning head.

“Natasha.” Kalki said so softly that it was barely audible.  I could see his faded jeans from my current position.  I looked up at him with a guaranteed wrathful expression that he hesitated and became indecisive whether to say sorry or just leave me alone.  He decided on the former.

“I did not mean to scare you Natasha.  I-”

 “Have you ever heard of something called a warning?  If you did not want to scare me then was it some invisible force controlling your mind and telling you to murder me?” I lashed back at him.

“Natasha, I don’t know what it was.  It was just not something I had power over.  Could we please just go?”

“If you were not going to shield the globe from the rage of Shiva you would be dead by now! Remember that.” I said and grudgingly walked up to him.

“Fair warning.” Kalki said and smiled.  He had the nerve to smile!  The supposed savior was slowly becoming my mortal enemy.

“You should learn from me!” I said.

“Now close your eyes and hold my hand.”

With an alarmed expression I asked him, “Flying again?”

“No Natasha, we are just going to do the disappearing trick and head to Prinstin.”

“Oh, I replied intelligently. “But will that work?”

“I guess now that you are with Kalki it will.”

“Hey so why not just do it from the cave?”

“No.  That would have been too easy.  Out of the options.” He said and grinned.  I wanted to slap him, no, actually I wanted to cut his head off with my sword.

“You are so dead.”

“Hey.  If I die what will happen to the world?” he said in a mock expression of being serious.

“I was not joking.  You do need a physiatrist.” Then I shook my head in dismay and closed my eyes.

 I held his hand and then felt that peculiar sensation like I was flying, not falling and then abruptly, the Prinstin Academy stood proudly in front of us.

      “Wow.  The school is just as I had expected, enchanting.  Let’s move in.” Kalki said excitedly.  I quickly took my hand away anxious to stay as away from him as I could possibly. 

“Will you need the mark to enter the building?”

“I don’t know.  Why are you asking me?”

“I thought you knew everything,” I said in mock seriousness. “But then you are not  Saraswati’s incarnation, right?  You are such an actor!”

“Could we just move in?” I smiled at his discomfort.  It’s not like I like torturing new kids or avatars, I might have an uncontrollable temper, but I’m not a bully. Kalki had given me a heart attack in the first fifteen minutes of my meeting him, now we were in my territory; I had the upper hand over here.  I stepped up to Professor A’s desk.

“Professor A, this is Kalki who is presumably the savior of 2012.” I said acting surprised.

“Oh Natasha, you succeeded and so fast too!  Kalki you will have to check in.  You will be in Lakshmi house as par we have been informed.  Do you know how to enter?” Professor A said.  She clearly considered Kalki a miracle.  The savior is here!  Who cares about the person who awakened him?

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