Just a Scratch - Rewritten

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(A/n) this is an idea I've had in my head for a while. Where I'm essentially rewriting a story in a one-shot by changing the ending a bit. Not sure how good this is going to turn out, but I want to try it

K.O. stood at the top of the bodega, the cold, winter wind blowing against his tiny body. It was the middle of the night, and he really didn't seem to know what he was doing anymore. All he knew was that he was here, right now, contemplating all of his life decisions that have lead up to this point.

He looked at the ground below. It was hard to see in the dark, but it was there, and it was so close, yet so far away from him. He took a deep breath, and stepped back. What was he doing here?

His mind went back to when it all started, a year and a half ago, back when he was walking around mindlessly, before being attacked by a group of middle school students until the point where he was unable to even move his body.

He was in the hospital for what seemed like months, before being well enough to return home. Things seemed to change then.

His mom was dating Gar, and Rad had quit his job at the bodega for something he claimed was much better than a "trashy minimum wage job", which had left him alone with Enid. K.O. remembered how upset he was by this, and how things have gotten worse when an older sibling of one of the people who had attacked him took the job in replacement of Radicles.

He started getting harassed at work, and there was nothing he was able to do to fix it. He would get purposely tripped, his stuff would get stolen, he'd get beaten up when he was in the back of the bodega, and so much more would happen to him.

K.O.'s eyes started tearing up as he remembered this, and how neither his mom nor Gar would seem to do anything. They've distanced themselves from him, and each time he told them about what was going on they'd say that it "wasn't a big deal" or that "he'd be fine."

Dendy seemed to have stopped existing altogether. One day she was there, supporting him and listening to him, and the next, she just seemed to have completely vanished into thin air. He had nobody to talk to anymore, and he had nobody to care for him.

At one point, things have gotten to the point where he tried to self harm. He was sitting down by a window in the bodega near the front, when Boxmore bots started attacking and had broken the window. He, out of morbid curiosity, quickly grabbed a piece of glass and squeezed it as hard as he could into his hand.

Fortunately for him, Enid was there, and she bandaged his arm for him after she'd seen his bloody hand. From that night on, each night in his own home, he would go into the bathroom and slide a blade he'd taken from a pencil sharpener across his wrist, up until five months ago or so where he had ran out of room on both his arms and legs.

He didn't know what to do anymore. He wanted to end his own life, and he just wanted to cease to exist. He knew nobody would seem to care, and that nobody would even notice his absence.

He's tried before, as well. Once with a rope, another time by trying to stand in the middle of the road, and a couple other times by digging deep into his arm with the pencil sharpener blade. Each one of them had failed, and he didn't seem to know what to do.

He was cold. He'd snuck out of his house and walked over to the bodega and climbed the boxes in the back to get to where he is now. He figured if he didn't do anything soon, that he would probably die of hypothermia anyway.

K.O. let out a sigh. He didn't want to deal with this anymore, and he just wanted to rest. He wanted to get away from everything, and he wanted to feel the sweet release of not being alive anymore.

He walked towards the edge once again, just as he was before. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, letting his foot hang over the edge and his body fall forward, and letting gravity do the rest.

It felt like he was falling for hours, and the world around him seemed to slow down. It felt calming to him, like he was being given a tight hug by the wind, although the feeling didn't last very long.

He hit the ground with a thud, and a shock of pain immediately went through his body. He let out a groan, he wanted this to work, he wanted himself to die on impact.

His head felt numb and slightly warm as the blood oozed out onto the concrete below him. He knew he was eventually going to die of blood loss or of hypothermia, whichever one would come to him first.

He just closed his eyes, his body shaking from the cold. He lied there, and he lied there, and eventually, his breathing started to slow. A feeling of calmness washed over him as he slowly felt himself drifting away, and he heard the voices of deceased family members in the distance.

This was it.

He could finally rest

(A/n) that's all there is. Just something simple and kinda stupid that I thought I'd do. It's really edgy but I do actually hope you enjoyed this, haha

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