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Membrane stared at the picture above the kitchen doorway. His chest felt heavy as he shakily pulled it off the wall and held it in his hands.

Dib looked so happy. 

He forced back the tears that started to spill and placed the photo face-down on the table next to him. Looking at pictures of Dib made him feel an empty, heavy feeling that could only be scientifically described as grief.

Parents shouldn't have to bury their children, and yet, here Membrane was, taking down any photos he had of his son because he couldn't stand to look at him after he was gone. He'd never see his son again and that thought made his chest ache as he forced back the urge to break down into tears. Perhaps, if he had asked Dib where he was going, or if he had stopped him from leaving the house, then he wouldn't have been... then he wouldn't have... then he'd be...

He dropped to the floor and yelled out Dib's name, wanting nothing more than to see his boy again; than to hear his voice and know he was alive and breathing and not buried in the ground, decomposing and rotting until he was nothing more than a pile of bones in the dirt.

But his son was dead, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

(A/n) This is a thing I wrote a few days ago based on an au I made with @Christgladiator and thought I'd share since I haven't posted any writing in a while. This isn't *good* by any means, but I kind of like it so I thought I'd share this

Also, it's exactly 200 words lmfao

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