The Nacho Incident (Unfinished WIP)

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(A/N): Writing for my spectral!KO AU. Haven't worked on it in a bit but I do plan to share to AO3 once I finish!

Character Death
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Water drips onto the floor as KO swishes his mop around in the bucket, humming quietly to himself. "Hey, KO," Enid says, shifting her gaze over to him as she rings up another customer at the counter. "Don't forget the pile of lightning sauce on the floor by the lightning nacho dispenser. Mr. Gar might get mad if he sees there's been another spill this week."

"On it!" He drags the mop across the floor behind him as he approaches the spill, letting out a quiet hup as he plops the mop down over it and cleans it with ease. "Man, people sure do love being messy..."

"Eh, it doesn't surprise me." She gives a weak shrug. "One time, before you worked here, there was a giant pile that Rad had to clean," she says, snickering quietly at the hilarity of the memory. "It was super funny; the pile was so tall and heavy that he couldn't even use his finger beam and we had to call in someone else to clean it up."

"What?!" His mouth drops wide open in horror. "Who would do such a thing?!"

"People who think it's okay to throw their trash around in a store. Kinda sucks."

"That's mean!"

"I know it is, buddy. Unfortunately, people like that are always gonna exist. They're not gonna listen to you. Or anybody, for that matter. They're jerks."

"I guess so," he sighs. He picks up the mop off the floor and brings it back over to the bucket to clean it up. The conversation from moments before lingers in the back of his mind, and he suddenly shoots up at a horrid realization. "OH MY COB!"

Enid quickly jerks into alertness at the sudden yell. "KO?! What's wrong??"

"I forgot to take out the trash!!! Aahhhh, hold on! I'll be right back!!" He drops the mop onto the ground and darts into the breakroom, quickly, and almost frantically, picking up the bag from the trashcan and tying it up. "Phew," he says, wiping his forehead with one hand as he puts it over his shoulder with the other. "That was a close call. I better take you out back before I do anything else! Don't wanna leave my trash laying around, no siree!"

Giving a quick glance at the clock, he opens the door and slides out back into the store, giving a quick wave at Enid as he heads to the front. "Classic KO," she says to herself, returning the wave as he heads outside.

KO continues humming to himself as he heads to the dumpster out back, stepping up onto the conveniently-placed stool in front of it as he tosses the bag inside. "There we go!" He clasps his hands together as he turns around, ready to hop off, when a voice grabs his attention.


He perks up and looks in its direction. A person cautiously approaches him from the direction of the forest, shaking, and visibly nervous.

"Oh! Hello!"

"N... Not now!" There's a brief pause as they look around the area, breathing shakily. "Y... Your friends are.. uh... in danger! Somewhere...!"

"What? But I just saw them!"

The person's breathing picks up pace as they take a step back, glancing to both sides of themself as they continue. "Those were uuhhhh... clones!" They look down and swallow, before taking a deep, shaky breath. "Um... yeah! They're... clones."

"Huh? Clones?" He tilts his head in confusion, unsure of what exactly was going on. His friends were in danger? There were clones? What were they talking about?

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