Chapter 3: Meeting the Mankanshoku Family Part I

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Chapter 3: Meeting the Mankanshoku Family Part I

Written by: VinylScratch7

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The two of you stared down Satsuki while the two of you declare war against her, as you were about to say something you notice Ryouko just fell one knee, you shift your gaze and quickly check up on her.

"Your losing blood, you got five minutes before you pass out." A Voice was heard making you confuse on what was that.

"You tell me now?!" Ryouko shouts while trying to be strong and not to pass out. "Ill be back Satsuki, let go Y/N!!" Ryouko said while dashing away while you were following in pursuit.

Uzu shouts towards the first star student to make a chase after them but a slam suddenly echoes through the arena getting them to stop on following.

"Leave them, they will be back." Satsuki said as she retreats to her quarters.

"Shinning like always Milady." Uzu said

Satsuki sat down on her chair while awaiting for her butler to give her bevarage. she sips her tea calmly while recaping the events the occur today.

"Milday if i may speak." The butler said.

"You may" Satsuki calmly said while taking another sip.

"That fellow with the black hair who he stood next to the stripper, i reccomend to not pursue him that much." This made Satsuki glare at her butler.

"Oh and why's that?" She said while putting down her cup and was intrige by her butler advice.

"If i may i got a knick of this things, that fellow is no ordinary student he's somewhat special." He said.

"Do tell?" She cross her legs while continuing listening.

"Those eyes of his is no ordanary eyes, those eyes are a warrior eyes." He said.


Satsuki stood quite and signal her butler to leave her, he bow respectively and left her. She stood up and watch the outside from her window thinking about what her butler said.

"Y/N L/N who exactly are you.." Satsuki said while watch the horizon seating the down and meeting the fall of the night.

Deep in the slums of the no stars.

You were now holding Ryouko in your arm while looking for someone to help. "Damn, stay with me Ryouko."

You look and look but nobody cared to give you a hand. "God damit what's with this town."

"Kid..if she keep losing blood she going to die" The Voice from earlier said towards you

"Thank you for the advice disbody voice! You yelled at it.

As you were about to go towards a corner of a street way, you notice a very large fat man was signaling towards you to come to him. Right now it wasnt a good idea to trust someone who is supicious like him but what you have to lose.

Quickly making your way towards him, he keep signaling him to follow. so you did as you were walking for a good minutes with ryouko in your arms, you notice that you arrive in a very busted place.

The two of you enter the area and you saw that it was very cosy looking. "Put her there." the man said as he pointed a clean desk, you gently place her down in a table and he suddenly push you away from his office.

"I need to work now, you can stay right there." He said but before he close the door you quickly grabs his arm and stared at him for a moment.

"If you do anything funny to her, ill seriously hurt you old man" You said with a very venomous voice towards him.

He simply smiles and quicly hand you Ryouko uniform "Wait how did you!"

"Trust me, im a doctor" He said while closing the door in your face.


You turn away from the door and place Ryoko uniform in a place to hang, you sat down for a moment and was relief to relax for a moment, today was a long day for you. Finding out who you are to Helping a complete stranger to take down a school while looking for information.

"Man...what a day.." You said placing both your hand in your face.

"Ill say.." The disbody voice was heard again, making you jump of your seat and look around your area.

"Who said that!" You said checking the room but there was no one.

"Over here." The voice said as you slowly follow the voice and was met ryouko uniform who apperently was staring at you. "I have to say, for a guy who just stood up and help out my partner you pretty brave kid." he said.



"Okay i might be turning crazy" You said while slump back into the chair.

"No your not turning insane..not that i know of." He said "My name is Senketsu and apperently you and ryouko can hear me, i know how can she heard me cause i was design for her but you, your another story care to tell me?" Senketsu said.

"I...dont im able to hear you honestly cause i simply cant remember" You said while looking down in the floor.

"What you mean?" Senketsu question.

"Well you see ive woken up inside a crater with no memory of who i was, the only thing i can remember is my name and thats about it. for a moment what was going on but then i heard a feminen voice telling me to head over the academy and then here i am." You explain to senketsu.

"So your here to find out who you are?" You nodded by his question "Hm well hope you find what your looking for, as for me i was design to help out ryouko anyways possible. now if you'll excuse me i need to rest" Senketsu
rested his eyes and return being a normal clothing.

You scratch your head and was thinking doing the same but right now you dont feel tired, so you pulled out the book you just found in ryouko basement that is title Martial art for begginers, opening the book you were met by the first Chapter.

"...." You were confuse for a moment in the title so you read it again.




"Kaio what?"    

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