chapter 6

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~mikeys pov~

when we got back to megans apartment i got a phone call on my t-phone. i looked to see who was was leo. ugh! why is he calling me!!! i decided to ignore it. a second later it rung again and guess who it was...leo. i picked up this time, "leo what is it?!?"

(on phone) m-m-mikey help us...please

"leo whats wrong!!!"


i just stared at the phone wide eyed. "leo where are yall at?!" i said panicked. no answer, "LEO!!!!!".

hello turtle...miss me...well if you want to see your friends...brothers...and master alive again you meet me at the docks in 30 minutes. if your late there it


ahh that is no way to talk to your friend is it

"OK listen up 1. you are not my friend  2.what are you talking about 'friend' ".

ahh you see while you were of my foot ninja inject you with some type of syram that lets me control you...and you cant do anything about u meet me here in 30 minutes or i will make you kill them

(phone hung up)

tears started to stream down my face. i have no time to waste i have to save them. i dont care what shredder does to me...just dont hurt them.

i was about to leave when tj and megan put a hand on my shoulders. " safe please...dont let shredder get to you..." megan said. i guess she heard our conversation because tears were running  down her cheeks. i just gave megan and tj a small smile and hugged them before i left now its time to save my family.

~megans pov~

we heard the whole conversation between mikey and the "shredder". i was trying soo hard to not try to cry when i heard that they injected a syram where shredder can control mikey. i watched mikey as he was about to leave. " safe please...dont let shredder get to you..." i told him. he turned around as me and tj put a hand on his shoulder. he gave us a small smile and hugged us. i couldnt hold it back anymore i just let the tears flow.

after that he left. "where are you going?" i heard tj call out to me. "im gonna follow him to make sure hes ok" i told her. "well what are we waiting for...lets go!!!" after that we were on our way to help mikey.

~third person pov~

when mikey got to the docks he didnt see anyone. "huh thats strange he told me to meet him right here". mikey said to himself. "ahh hello turtle... your just in time" shredder said. "just in time for what?!?!" mikey demanded. after he said that shredder held up leos body first. it was bruised and bloody and he looked at mikey in fear and sorrow. "LEO!!!....SHREDDER YOU MONSTER!!!!!" mikey yelled. "ahh well you havent seen all of them yet" shredder said. i started to cry again "shredder please let them go i will do anything for you just stop hurting them" mikey said. leos eyes widen and he tried to say someting while shaking his head but it came out muffled through the duck tape. my last words before everything changed was "im sorry..."

~megans pov~

me and tj got there just in time to see shredder holding up leo and mikey crying all i could hear what mikey said was, " shredder please let them go i will do anything for you just stop hurting them" i could see that made him cry even more. at this point me and tj was balling our eyes out, we cant just let him go with "him". i looked again and i could mikey swaying alittle bit and before he fell he said, "im sorry..." and thats when i fell to my knees "no mikey please dont go you're my best friend....please mikey''. tj was sitting there crying to but she was silent the whole time.

i went to look again and mikey and shredder are gone but the turtles, a rat, and a girl was still tied up so me and tj went to go help them. leo looked at me with sorrow and raph just looked scared (ikr raph looking scared) and donnie looked terrified of what he had just saw. the rat looked sad and the girl was crying.

"hey me and tj are a friend of mikey... were here to help" i said trying not to cry anymore. i cut the ropes and took of the tape. "hello my name is megan and this is my friend tj" i said to the rat and the girl. "hello child my name is master splinter" the rat said. "my...n-n-name i-is a-april" she said still crying. "nice to meet yall" i said trying to be happy but my mind was set on trying to finding mikey. " did the shredder get to yall in the first place" i asked them but leo was the one to speak up. "well were just out on a run when we saw mikey so we followed him here...then you guys showed up so we just watched from a distance...then we heard yall talking and he actually looked happy to have friends and when we saw all of yall hug we just broke...we never really hugged him before or tell him how much we love him as a brother...but when yall left we decided to follow but we got stopped when we saw the shredder who in fact had master splinter and april... we put up a fight but then he caught us." my eyes were wide. " so yall followed us?" i asked. they just nodded. " ok...well then we need a plan to get mikey back...and for it to work i need all of us to work together." i suggested, they just nodded in agreement. "ok lets get started." we ran back to the lair to come up with a plan.

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