chapter 9

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~leos pov~

it has been a week since we brought them back to the lair. "donnie how much longer till they wake up" i asked donnie. "im not sure...we just have to wait and see...they need time" donnie responded. "dude you look terrible you need to sleep" raph told donnie. donnie hasnt slept since we brought them back. "im...(yawns) fine" donnie said. "hey ill watch after them if something happens ill let you know" i told him. donnie just nodded and left.

a hour has past and nothing. all a sudden mikey sat straight up. "MIKEY!!!!!! YOUR OK....DONNIE RAPH!!!! GET IN HERE" after i said that they both came and there eyes were round as saucers. "MIKEY!!!!!" they bothed screamed. but little did we know our little brother wasnt back. his eyes were pitch black dark...he had an evil grin on his face. "m-m-mikey..." i stuttered. "whos mikey" he just grinned. "mikey its us, your brothers...please come back to us mikey" i pleaded. "you guys kicked me out...this is who i am now...i am no longer your brother but a servant for my master shredder" he said.

"mikey listen to your self...he is the one that did this to you and your friends" i said. when i said that, he looked confused and looked beside him to only see megan and tj still unconscious. his eyes flashed back to his baby blue eyes for a second and we could tell he was hurt/scared/sad then they went back to his cold dark eyes again. "what have i best friends are hurt because of me" mikey whispered. he looked up at his brothers and then at his friends. he made a run for it.

~mikeys pov~

"i need to get out of here" i thought to myself. i looked at my brothers then at my friends. i finally decided to make a run for it, so i did. i ran out of the lair to the nearest man hole cover. i could hear my brothers screaming my name in the distance. i just have to get away before i or he hurt anybody else. so i just ran rooftop to rooftop till i was far enough away.

~megans pov~

"uggg....what happened" i said. "MEGAN!" donnie yelled. "AHHH! geez donnie" i screamed. "heh are you feeling?" he asked. "like i got hit by a bus" i said. "wheres mikey?" he just looked down.

"you see...he woke up....but..." he said a tear slid down his face. "donnie its ok...just tell me where he went" i said. "well he got up and saw you and tj unconscious and then made a run for it...we dont know where he went" donnie replied.

i just looked down, "o my gosh TJ!" i said/yelled. i looked over at her and gasped. i started to shake her "TJ PLEASE YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP PLEASE TJ!" she just groaned. "TJ!!!! you ok!!!!" i yelled...again. "" she said. "im sorry im just glad your we must go find mikey." everyone just nodded.

we left the lair and up to the surface, we jumped from rooftop to rooftop to find mikey...mikey please be safe.

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