Stars x Marionnette reader

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You're an average sized human, and your also similar to the puppet from Five nights at Freddy's. You can also move your mouth to speak and eat.
Your strings wafted behind you as you were wandering around the void. You had left the house and the others because someone just had to get into a fight with you.

Your body creaked with every step you took. The joints keeping your body together felt like they were on fire.

You looked up from the ground to see a white figure. It got closer and closer until it was on top of you. The little furball proceeded to lick your wooden face as it barked loudly.

"Well hey there little pup, how did you get here," you asked, not expecting to get an answer back.

The little puppy sat in your lap, ready for a nap when you also lied down slowly, as to not disturb the small dog.

You began to doze off when you heard a gurgling noise. Instantly, you sat up with the pup and lifted yourself from the ground.

In the distance, another white figure was charging towards you. This thing wasn't a normal body figure, instead it was distorted and crooked.

You began to sprint the way you came, in search of your home. You quickly glanced back and when you did, boy that was a mistake.

This creature looked like two skeletons you knew of, but they were merged together, gooping everywhere.

You immediately stopped staring when you heard an ear piercing shriek.

A large gaster blaster had been centered above the creatures head as it blasted down. The creature was gone and replaced with a skeleton whom you grew to love.

"Honey?! What did that thing do to you?!" Stars ran over and cupped your wooden cheeks. You just smiled at your loving boyfriend and pulled the little dog out from behind your back.

"A dog...?" He questioned. He stared at the little ball of white fur and just pulled you into a hug.

"Hun, I'm okay, I was just a little scared," You calmly said. "Remember, the only things that can harm me are chainsaws, woodcutters and beavers, but they're not in the void, Ok hun."

"But still, you could've gotten hurt, and I don't want the only star here to burn out," he said.

You pulled away from the hug and glared at him until you said, "You're so cliché, you know that."

"I know hun," 

You began to walk back towards the house when you felt your strings being yanked back. You glanced back and saw the most cutest thing ever. The little dog was joyfully playing with your strings as you sighed.

"Dear, can you teleport us back, our little fur baby is gonna give me a hard time playing with my strings," you asked.

Without any response, you felt you hand become intertwined with Stars' and felt a cold breeze hit your tough wood.

You fell backwards onto the couch next to B as the little puppy jumped onto your lap. You began to stroke his fluffy fur when an idea struck your mind.

It seemed that Stars had the same idea, he picked up the puppy and sat between you and B.

"Hey, B, we want you to meet someone that (Y/N) found in the void,"
Stars stated.

"Oh of course," B replied.

Without any hesitation, the little puppy was placed in B's lap as the grin on his face couldn't be any wider.

"B, meet (D/N)" you said.

He stroked the small puppy and the smile he had would've brought a smile to everyone else.

"If you want, (D/N) can stay down here and keep you company while I have a nap," you asked.

"Oh of course (Y/N)! You have a nap and I'll look after (D/N)," he replied ecstatically.

You got up from the couch and headed for the stairs, you glanced behind you and saw B hugging (D/N). Neither you or Stars had seen him this happy before, and, speaking of Stars.

While you proceeded to walk up the stairs, you felt familiar arms snake around your waist as his had rested on your shoulder.

He did this quite often when you were about to have a nap, he thought of it as a way to get extra cuddles.

You walked into the galaxy decorated room and flopped onto the bed with Stars laying on top of you.

He knew there was no way in cuddling you now when he heard small snores echo through the room.

He bent down and kissed you forehead before he said "Goodnight (Y/N)."

Who would think, a Skeleton in love with a puppet.

Wow, damn. I've been away for awhile.

I needed time to think everyone! I'm not dead! 

The good thing is though, that school holidays are just in a few days! Meaning I'll get to update more!

There are many ideas I have in mind, and I just need some air so I can jot them down in my notebook.

Anyway, I'll see you all later! Baiiii!~

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