Gaster Gang x Nightmare Reader

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Requested by KathIsBeingWeird

I honestly don't know how this will turn out.

Pretty much, Reader take Nightmare Sans' Place.

Onto the story!

Your POV

I was wandering AU's in search of something to do.

Hmm, HorrorTale maybe, nah, Sans will probably try to kill me again, oh what about Underlust, still gotta kick Sans' ass.

I decided to go to Underlust but before I could, a large black hole appeared and began to pull me in.

My feet were lofted from the ground as my screams skyrocketed.

I flew through the strange portal and fell to what seemed the ground.

The entirety of the place was pitch black. It sent shivers down my spine as I got up.

I felt a presence behind me as I lunged upwards and flipping behind him.

"And just who the hell are you?" I asked aggressively.

He looked shocked at my actions before finally calming down.

"Names Fell, your a human, how are you here,"

He thinks I'm hum- oh...I'm in human form, well shxt...

"A damn black hole pulled me soooo yeah..."

"I'll take you back to the others, then you can explain who you are.

We began to walk in some sort of direction until I saw an illuminated area.

Christmas lights shone from the roof and the snow surprisingly hadn't melted.

"Is this the place?" I asked.

"Yep," he said. "Hey, you still haven't told me your name."


We went towards the door as Fell gripped the doorknob and twisted it.
When the door opened, I saw six skeletons, but something was wrong they all looked the same?

"Uh, hi, I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you all,"


Its been a few weeks since I fell into the void, and my power was still too weak to get us all out of this place.

We were all just sitting on the couch, waiting for a random show to come on.

"Hey guys, I'm bored," I said.

"We know your pain (Y/N)," Stars said.

"I'm gonna go have a nap, wake me up for dinner,"

I trudged up the stairs towards the black, ink-like door at the far end of the corridor.

I haven't told the guys what I was yet, and I didn't plan too.

And what would the Sans' say when I  miraculously show up out of nowhere.

I entered my room and flopped onto the plush bed.

Its been so long since I've been in my other form and it was getting to me, I couldn't risk being seen made of the inky substance.

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