Wingdings x Scientist! Reader

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This was requested by helloitsme001234567, I hope you like it!


"Hey Y/N!" You heard your name called by none other than Swap. You got up from your work desk and exited your bedroom with your lab coat still on.

Oh, I forgot to mention. You are one of the greatest scientists on the surface who was helping cure cancer.

How you got into the void, well that's a story for another time.

You trudged down the stairs, towards the kitchen. You were really tired. Your hair was in a messy bun, your eyes looked like they hadn't seen any light. Sounds a bit familiar, don't you think.

"Y-yeah Swap," You groggily choked out. "Oh, dear. Y/N, you've been working late again haven't you," Swap stated in a monotone voice. "Well, I need you to get Dings, and after that, you're going to sleep."

"Fine, if it makes you happy Swap," You said as you slowly walked towards the lab in the attic.

You reached the metallic door, knocking to be polite.

"Yes, come in," A muffled voice came from the other side of the door. You slowly pushed the door open to see a frantic Wingdings.

"H-hey, um, Swap made breakfast, and he said for you t-to come down to eat," You said as you drowsily stumbled over and placed a cold hand on his shoulder.

"Not now, Y/N! Can't you see I'm working!" Wingdings snapped back which startled you.

"I'm sorry Dings, I know you need to work, but, you've been awake all night and haven't eaten in days," You quietly stated.

"No Y/N, why don't you go and do your own petty work, and leave me alone!"

"Excuse me! My work is much more important than getting us out of this void, while I'm trying to save others lives, you sit in here all day procrastinating! Don't say my work is petty, because I'm sure that procrastinating isn't going to get us out of here!" You finally snapped.

The hot tears burned down your face. You hair had fallen out of the messy bun and flopped down to show (h/l) (h/c) hair.

The startled man sat there in shock, unsure of what to do. But then it hit him.

He always knew about your work and that you hadn't had a wink of sleep in weeks. But he decided to brush it off as if it were nothing.

He slowly got up from his chair and wrapped his arms around you in a way of saying 'I'm Sorry.'

But, your instincts acted and you quickly pulled away and scampered out the door, leaving the fazed Gaster behind.

Everyone you had passed on the way to your room kept asking you what was wrong, but you just told them that you were fine.

You finally came across your deep grey door and ran in shoving the door closed behind you.

You leaned against the wooden door and slid to the ground. More tears flowed from your puffy eyes. The hot substance burned down your cheeks as you his inside of your turtleneck sweater.


It had been ten minutes and you were just laying there at the foot of your door, sobbing your eyes out.

You went to get up when you heard a knock on your door.

Weird, no one came to your room unless they really needed you. But, this was different, you could feel his presence on the other side of the door when a voice came.

"Look (Y/N), I'm really sorry for snapping at you, and yes, your work is much more important than mine," Dings sadly said.

You opened up the door a crack only to see his face was red from crying.

"Can I come in?"


You slowly opened the door as Dings walked in.

Oh another thing I forgot to mention, you had a huge crush on Dings, and he may have a little secret up his sleeve too.

Ok back to the story

You guided him over to the bed and had him sit on the plush mattress.

"I'm sorry too, Dings. I know your trying to get us out of here, but I know you stay awake at night, thinking of a solution to get out of here," You apologised as the sorrow tugged at your voice.

"You don't need to be sorry, I guess we both finally snapped, h-he," he giggled.

Stars lit up in your (E/C) orbs as he giggled like a child. You began to poke him as he giggled more.

"Do it again,"


"Giggle again!"

"No! I'm not supposed to gi-gi-i-ggle! Please sto-o-op!"

"Never!" You yelled as suddenly he pinned you to the bed (not like that you dirty sinners XD) and began poking your sides.

"Pl-e-ea-se st-sto-op! I'll do

"Anything~ Huh,"

You mentally cursed yourself for saying that, but your thoughts were interrupted by a pair of lips on yours.
(I know skele's don't have lips, but its a fanfic, deal with it)

Quickly you returned the kiss, but shortly after, you both needed air.

He flopped onto you and quietly said,

"I love you (Y/N),"

"I love you too Dings,"


Welp, my first oneshot sucks.

Remember, requests are always open!

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