Stars x Bunny! Reader

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A request by mokkililcreator71 I really hope you like it! :D


"STARS! HELP ME!" You ran down the stairs, almost falling.

Stars, who was sitting on the couch, went wide eyed and jumped up to catch you.

"(Y/N) darling, are you alright?!" Stars panicked a little, he hated seeing his love get hurt.

"Y-Yeah, I guess so hun," you gripped your head, trying to push away the dizziness.

"Darling, why are you wearing a beanie and an oversized sweater?" Stars asked curiously.

You removed the beanie from your head. Tucked in your hair, were large white bunny ears. The sweater however, hid the bushy tail.

"Dings happened," you said, breaking the silence.

Stars had, well, literal stars in his eyes. He lifted you into the air and carried you to the couch, where he then raced upstairs, probably to yell at Dings.

You shrugged it off and felt hunger wave across you. You groaned and left the couch for the kitchen.

You opened the fridge door. Nothing really looked appealing to you, except the carrots.

"How long is this going to last...?" You reached for a carrot and bit into it, letting it crumble in your mouth.

"Darling, Dings said it la-" Stars stood there, staring at you.

"Don't you dare say another word."



"But your so cute!"

"No I'm not!" You took another bite out of your carrot and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him to the couch.

Your ears began to twitch uncontrollably when you both lied down.

Something definitely wasn't right.

You felt your small tail begin to stir, your eyes darted around the room.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong dear?"

"I have no idea, but it's definitely something bad."

You stood from the couch, your nose twitching.

You smelt something. It was like cherries.

Oh No.

You knew exactly where that smell came from.

"SwapFell, I know you're gonna play another prank on us!"

"God Damnit!" SwapFell leapt over the couch and onto the floor. "Sup cutie."

"Call me that again and I'll punch your lights out."


You did exactly what you said, you punched him clean in the mouth, but no enough to break his jaw or knock him out.

"For a small thing, you're pretty strong."

"Go to Dings. Right Now."

"Mmkay cutie."

You groaned in annoyance and flopped yourself onto Stars, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Darling, he's right you know, you are pretty strong."

"Don't even start, I want to cuddle and never be a bunny again."

He sighed and wrapped his cloak around the two of you, both of you occasionally kissing each others cheeks.

//Time skip//

"(Y/N) I have the reversal chemical rea- oh," Dings walked down the stairs only to see you and Stars asleep on the couch cuddling.

"SwapFell didn't lie when he said (Y/N) was strong."


It's short, but I'm really tired, and I want to sleep but the damned Insomnia keeps me awake staring at a ceiling.

Later Loves!

Edit: I might actually Edit this later, but I'm too tired rn

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