Chapter 7

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The next thing Eli and Clare know is that two little people were jumping on a bed. Eli stayed quiet listening to the conversation they were having. He looked over and saw that Clare was still asleep. He smiled at how peaceful she looked.

"Do you think them dead?" Maslin ask whispering to her brother. He looked at her and shrugged.

"I hope not. They not get up though." He told her and she nodded her head.

"Maybe we should try tickling them. Its how Mommy gets me up sometimes." Maslin said and Edge nodded his head.

"Okay, let's try it." He told her and just as he was going to, Eli jumped up and grabbed them both.

"BOO!" He screamed as he grabbed them and started tickling them while giving them kisses on their faces. The two little kids were giggling.

"Daddy stops! Pwease, it tickles!" Maslin said as she was laughing real hard. She couldn't help it and was just all smiles.

"Yea, Daddy! Stop before you make me pee!" Edge said giggling just as much, if not more, as his sister was. Eli heard another voice and stopped looking at Clare who had just got up.

"Good afternoon my knight in shining armor." Clare said as she stretched. The kids saw there mommy up and jumped on top of her giving her hugs. "Hey babies, did you have a nice nap?" Clare asks and they nodded.

"Yea, I dreamed you daddy got married and had me little sister." Maslin said and Clare blushed mad. She hide herself in Maslin's hair. Eli's eyes got big, and then he smiled.

"Well, maybe one day baby girl, just not anytime soon." Eli told her and she nodded her head. She had a frown on her face as Eli thought quick. "Besides if we had another baby right now than they would get most our attention right now. Do you guys really want that right now?" Eli ask them and they quickly shook their heads.

"No I not want that." Edge told his father. He then looked at Clare. "I would get a little brother, though, right?" He ask her and Clare smirked loving this question.

"If we do end up having babies in the future, then you guys need to talk to Daddy about if it's a boy or girl. The boys decide that." Clare told them and they nodded.

"This sation not done, but it's time for dinner is what Grandma says." Maslin said looking at Eli with determined eyes.

"Yea, daddy. We not done talking yet." Edge said and walked out with his sister back to the kitchen to eat. Once they were out Clare started laughing.

"Yea, Daddy, are we having a boy or girl?" She said giggling and Eli gave her evil eyes.

"You think this is funny?" He asks her. "Why would you tell them it's up to me anyway?" He asks her and she just shook her head.

"Did you not pay attention in health class? It's up to the guy on what the baby is. Besides, it was you who said one day." She told him and he had a sad look on his face.

"Do you not want to marry me one day?" He asks her and her eyes got huge.

"That's not what I meant Eli. I'd love to marry you one day. I would today if I could. Just know that since you said one day, their gonna ask every day, especially Maslin, when that day is." Clare said and Eli smiled real big when she said she would today if she could. It gave him a big boost of confidence for the future.

"Be honest though, what would you want us to have first, a boy or girl?" He asks her looking in her eyes.

"I've got me both a boy and girl already so I don't really care what we have as long as he or she is healthy." She told him kissing his lips.

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