Chapter 5

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"Da-who are you?" Maslin ask as she opened the door and saw a girl with long black hair she didn't recognize. The older girl smiled at her.

"My name is Fiona. I'm here to see your mom. Is she home?" The younger girl nodded and took off in the apartment.

"Mommy, there strange lady at door wanting you." Maslin said while Clare came through the door. She saw Fiona and smiled.

"I'm glad to see you come over. Adam should be here soon, along with my date." Clare said and Fiona laughed at her ways of words. "I haven't had a boyfriend in four years." Clare said with a laugh. "This is just new to me, yet it's exciting." She said and Fiona smiled.

"You're getting to be a teenager again and it's been so long that you just get feelings inside of you." Fiona told her and Clare smiled.

"I saw you giving Adam those eyes. Nothing gets by me anymore." Clare said with a giggle. "You can't deny you like him." Fiona blushed at that.

"I do like Adam, but I haven't got to know him well enough." Fiona said and Clare nodded her head.

"That's understandable. I get it and I was the same way with Eli." Clare said just as the doorbell went off.

"UNCLE ADAM!" Was screamed all through the apartment making the two girls laugh.

"Your prince is here." Clare said making Fiona blush. They went to the living room to see Maslin in Adam's arms. "You know you're losing her when he shows up?" Clare ask him and Adam sighed nodding his head.

"Yea, I know. I didn't think you'd show up Fiona." Adam said and Maslin started giggling.

"She wike you Uncle Adam. She told Mommy." Maslin said and right before anyone could say anything someone walked through the door. "DADDY!" She screamed and ran up to his waiting arms while Edge ran to Clare's.

"Were you daddy going?" Edge asks as he saw Clare and Eli all dressed up. She smiled and gave his head a kiss.

"Your Daddy and I are going on a date. You and Maslin are going to stay with Uncle Adam and Fiona until we get back." Clare told him and he nodded.

"Daddy say we stay night." Edge said looking at Clare confused.

"Yes you two are going to stay the night. You get to sleep in your new cars bed here." Clare told him with excitement. His eyes got big with a huge smile.

"Awesome! Tfank you Cware." He told her giving her a huge hug.

"You're welcome baby. I'd do anything to see you and Maslin happy." She told him and he smiled. He was cared for by a woman other than his grandmother. "Eli we need to go now or else we won't ever go." She told him and he nodded. "We should be home by eight thirty. I have to put my babies to bed."

"Okay, don't worry about a thing Clare. We've got it under control. Adam knows what he's doing." Fiona told her with a laugh. Clare sighed but agreed.

"I know it's hard leaving her for something other than work and school, but it'll be okay Blue Eyes. It's just one date right now. We can come home and spend all night with them." Eli told her and she nodded her head.

"Okay, I get it Eli. Come on let's go. Bye Maslin and Edge I love you guys." She told them as she kissed each of their heads. Not realizing exactly what she said.

"Bye Mommy." Maslin said as they walked out the door. "Bye Daddy." She told Eli as he walked out the door. "I love you."

"Bye Daddy." Edge said as he smiled. "Bye Mommy. I love you." He said saying the same as Maslin. Clare stopped with tears in her eyes as she heard Edge call her that.

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