Chapter 11

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It had been a week since Maslin went missing. They reported to the police and put up posters everywhere. Christmas was fast approaching and that was her favorite holiday.

"Eli, my little girl still isn't with us. I want her back. It's not fair that we don't have her!" Clare screamed while sobbing. "I'm her mother and I'm supposed to protect her but I didn't do my job to well, did I?" She said still crying. Eli tried to shush her.

"We're gonna get her back Clare I promise. Did I ever tell you that Edge had a twin?" He asks her and that got Clare's attention.

"No, you haven't ever mentioned it." She said and Eli sighed.

"Well, he did. Julia gave birth to two beautiful babies. A little girl and a little boy. His sister didn't make it. Apparently something was wrong with her umbilical cord wasn't getting enough food, and then it got wrapped around her neck and they didn't get to it in time. God, she looked just like her mother. I lost both my girls that day while gaining a son. I don't plan on losing my baby girl right now. We will get her back, I promise Clare. Besides, she's got me for a Daddy, so she knows how to be strong." Eli told her jokingly making Clare laugh since Maslin went missing.

"The little things make me miss her. Her waking up from bad dreams; she may be scared, but at least I know she's safe with us." Clare said and Eli agreed with her. "Is that why you got so attached to her Eli; because of your little girl?" She ask him and he nodded.

"Yes, Clare that's why at first, but then I realized how much I actually do, and not because I miss my baby girl. I love her cause that is my baby girl. Is Zach why you grew so attached to Edge?"

"Eli there's more to that story then you know." Clare said and Eli nodded his head.

"Okay, go on." He told her and she nodded.

"Zachery Andrew and Maslin Marie are two of three. I had triplets. My first baby girl died. They said that when Jake kicked me in the stomach, he kicked where her head was. That's what killed her. They said she would have died from lack of oxygen anyway. She had it wrapped around her neck too. I lost my first baby girl over something I couldn't control and it gets to me every time. That's why I tell you Maslin almost didn't make it. She was right by her sister, and the kick missed her head by half a inch." Clare told him and she was in tears by now. They were streaming down her face.

"Shh, its okay now baby. I'm right here, and don't worry, because we will get our little girl back. I'm going to make sure of it." He told her and she shook her head.

"That's not all of it, Eli." She told him and he looked at her.

"What else is there?" He ask her and she sighed.

"Jakes dad, Glenn, with the help of Jake, killed my Mother right in front of my face. They took turns raping her making me watch, then they- they started burning her making her die a slow and painful death. When they had enough of that, they stabbed a knife in her chest and then shot her in the head. I had to watch the whole thing. It was so horrible. The last words out of her mouth were 'I love you and Darcy. Take care of my Grandbabies.'" Clare said and was even in more tears now. Eli just held her as she cried.

There was a knock on the door.

"You boys can come in." Eli screamed at his boys. He hadn't known Zach long, like Clare hadn't, but he was already family. "You guys need something?"

"We've decided that if Maslin isn't found before Christmas, then we aren't celebrating till she gets home with us. It wouldn't be Christmas without her." Zach said and Edge nodded his head. Then he saw Clare crying.

"Mommy don't cry please. It makes me want to cry." Edge said getting on the bed with his parents. He went and hugged Clare. She smiled at him. He kissed all her tears away. "That's better. I wanna see a smile not tears."

"Oh, I love my baby boys." She said picking up Zach and bringing him on the bed with them.

"Hey, what about me?" Eli asks with a pout and Clare laughed.

"Yes, jealous pot, I love you too. Our boys will always be my babies along with Maslin." She said and Edge sighed.

"I miss her Mommy. It not the same without her. I want her back. He not asks me for her." Edge said and was now crying. Clare just rubbed his back.

"I miss her too. That was my only little girl. I'm not going to lose her as well. We're getting her back. I like y'alls idea about the Christmas thing. It wouldn't be it without Maslin." Clare said giving each one a kiss. They were both crying.

"Daddy, we will get her back right?" Zach ask him and Eli nodded his head. He loved hearing the word 'Daddy' come from his kids mouth. It made him feel special.

"Yea, we will buddy. Daddy isn't done fighting this till your sister is at home snuggled with us. That's just where she belongs." Eli told him and Zach nodded his head.

"Exactly Daddy, so is it another lazy day for all of us?" He ask them and Clare looked at Eli. He nodded.

"You two go pick out a movie you agree on." They both nodded and were out. "I can see it now. Both of them a ring barrier while our little girl is a flower girl at our wedding. Then will go to the court house and sign papers to adopt the others kid, or kids, and then we can all have the same last name." Eli told her and she smiled at that thought.

"I love that idea Eli. I want Edge to really be mine, but I want my kids to be yours as well. I know if anything happened to me, that you'd take them with no problem." She said and he kissed her lips.

"That's because I know you'd take Edge no problem too." Eli said and Clare smiled even bigger.

"You got that right. He's practically mine now anyway. Same goes for you with Zach and Maslin." She said and he nodded.

"Yup, it does." And with that the conversation was over and they all watched the movie the boys picked out for the rest of the day. All four worried about the little girl missing out on her favorite movie.

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