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jack's pov~

"this is a mistake." i grumble as the neon shine of the lit up entrance finally shows itself after we turn the corner. my feet drag excessively against the hard ground, slowing down my pace with clear displeasure. i can feel the annoyance radiating off my friends, as gabbie grabs my arm, turning my body abruptly and stopping me in my tracks. i look at the brunette with furrowed eyebrows; her highlighted curly hair seems to flow for miles down her body before stopping at her waist, covering by a small black dress that presses against her body tightly. she stands with her hands perched on her hips, her eyes look at me sternly, the smokey eye making the colour pop even more.

"jack, stop complaining!" she huffs, everyone nodding in agreement, and i roll my eyes slightly.

"easy for you to say, you're gonna have a good time, i won't!" i attempt to defend myself, pouting like a five year old, quite the opposite to a twenty year old trying to get into a club, illegally might i mention. gabbie lightly slaps my cheeks, im guessing to try and knock some sense into me.

"don't be silly." she says sternly. "you're going to have a good time! what makes you think you won't?" she asks exasperatedly, her arms flying around as she speaks.

"have you met me?" i say with a 'duh' tone, my hands gesturing at my own figure, which makes gabbie roll her eyes but crack a small smile.

"i'm serious." she pushes, and i sigh.

"look, i'm a gay dude, there's probably not gonna be a single gay person in there. it's just gonna be so awkward!" i grumble.

"there's surely gonna be some people. and others will be drunk enough anyways to not give a shit who they're making out with!" we begin walking again, me stuffing my hands once again deep into my pockets.

"who says i even wanna make out with anyone?" i mumble, and a chorus of groans lets out across the group.

"fine, fine, i'm sorry, okay! this just really isn't my thing, i'm sure i'll enjoy it the end." i sigh, raising my hands in a form of surrender.

"just let loose bro, you'll enjoy it!" daniel says excitedly, trying to animate my hesitant self, and i just nod half heartedly.

i huff as we continue walking, my hands stuffed deep into my pockets, toying with the pathetic five dollar bill in there, along with my hard, fake i.d. card. maybe the fact that i'm feigning my age to get into a nightclub is what i'm dreading the most about tonight, but to be honest, it's probably the whole idea of dancing alongside sweaty strangers all night in the dark.

finally, we see the long queue of underdressed people stretching out all the way around the corner. there's a chorus of soft cheers that emerge from our group, and everyone's pace automatically seems to speed up, leaving me training behind reluctantly. once we're standing behind a group of guys (who look way too old to be coming to a club like this one), i slump against the wall, letting out a long, over dramatic sigh. jonah glances over at me, a small smirk forming on his face as he throws an arm over my shoulder, making me stumble into his chest. i whine, letting out a soft giggle, yet burying my head into his chest.

"he's right guys," jonah starts, his loud voice catching everyone's attention, "he's too adorable to go to clubs." my face flushes at the older boy's comment, slapping his chest with the back of my hand lightly in protest. everyone laughs at my response, christina even coming forwards to pinch my cheeks lightly.

"guys, stop it." i whine, my blush continuously getting darker as they laugh. i make my glare adamant as we continue moving forwards slowly, jonah's arm not leaving from my shoulders.

"hey," the older boy says quieter, this time not attracting any more attention then needed. "i'm being serious now." he starts, and i look up into his bright eyes playfully.

"you? being serious?" i gasp jokingly, making jonah scoff.

"yes, now shush. if you need anything, don't hesitate to grab me away from whoever i'm making out with, and if you wanna go home, just say the words. understood?" he says, looking down at me softly. jonah's always been a role model to me; he came out when he was thirteen, and i remember being completely endorsed and starstruck by him. i admired the amount of courage it took him to do that, and then finally, when i was sixteen and ready to come out myself, i went to him first. since then, we've had a crazy close relationship.

"i promise, jo. don't worry, everything's gonna be fine." i hum, closing my eyes momentarily. i couldn't deny that i was beginning to get very nervous, the butterflies building in my stomach.

"jack, i know you, i wouldn't want to disturb me, but if you're hurt or not having a good time, i want to be disturbed by you," jonah freezes for a second, his face scrunching up. "hang on, that sounded wrong." we both laugh lightly, soft giggles leaving my lips.

"i know what you mean. i promise." i sigh lightly. "it's too late now anyways. i know that i should go home, but i'm still standing here so i guess one more for the road."

hey guys, welcome to my new book :) i'll try to update fairly often! feel free to leave comments xx

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