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jack's pov~

i wait patiently, my heart feeling a lot livelier knowing that corbyn is here and he's gonna come to see me. that doesn't stop the nerves from forming in my stomach at the thought of the attractive blonde boy. i sigh contently when i think of his beautiful face, and, despite the fact that i have only met him once, i don't even feel that stupid.

i'm pleasantly surprised when one of my favourite songs, versace on the floor by bruno mars, starts playing, not really anticipating it as a club song, but i nod along to it and sing all the lyrics to it.

"ah, a bruno mars fan are we?" i jump at the soft voice in my ear, and i turn to see corbyn smiling cheekily from my side. i blush deeply as i look down, suddenly feeling five times more shy than usual.

"y-yeah, this is my favourite song." he hums at my answer, and we're silent for a few seconds, both of us taking turns to sneak soft glances at each other. finally, the blonde speaks up again.

"i didn't think i'd see you again, jack." the way he murmurs my name makes butterflies form in my stomach, and i purse my lips.

"i-i didn't think i would come back either. something," i rake my eyes over corbyn's figure, smirking at the small blush that arises on his cheeks, "changed my mind." i say lowly, and corbyn let's out a soft "wow" under his breath, making us both laugh slightly.

"well i'm glad that something made you come back. i quite enjoyed our evening last week." corbyn says, sinking down into the seat next to mine, twirling around so that we're looking at each other directly.

"i don't think we finished getting to know each other, pretty boy." he murmurs, and my cheeks flare up again. i feel like that's all i do when i'm around him; blush.

"well what do you want to know?" i ask, giggling lightly, which seems to make a smile.

"tell me; are you studying something at the moment?" corbyn asks, leaning his head against his hand, showing me his bright eyes. i can't help but stare right at them, getting absorbed in the beauty of them.

"well, i'm currently studying medicine at university..." i say with a strong sigh, and corbyn immediately sighs.

"is that... not what you want?" he asks softly, making me feign a confused look.

"w-what? yeah, of course it is, w-what makes you say that?" i fake a chuckle, which doesn't go past him, and he raises his eyebrows. "no, i don't want to study medicine. what i really want to study is literature. english literature. but my parents say there are barely any chances to make lots of money with a degree like that so they convinced me into studying medicine instead." i finally admit, and corbyn gives me a sad look, his hand coming down to caress my shoulder, making me tense. his touch is soft, caring, and makes goosebumps arise on my skin.

"i know how you feel. i wish i could study astronomy, but i can't." corbyn says, looking down momentarily. i can see the pain in his eyes, and it confuses me.

"why not?" i ask softly, grabbing his hand from my shoulder and intertwining our fingers. he looks down, slightly surprised, but smiles widely. where this confidence of mine came from, i'll never know.

"don't have enough money." he murmurs softly, and i sympathise for him. "i got offered a place at this science investigation thing but i just can't take it. it's not a paying job for the first year and i need the money, so here i am." he explains.

"you should take it!" i exclaim suddenly, making corbyn raise an eyebrow at me.

"what?" he asks.

"well, you should take it and keep this job as well, that way you'd be doing what you love and earning money at the same time!" i say animatedly, and corbyn breaks into a soft smile.

"i wish i could, but i just don't have the time. it's far away from here, and these hours that i work on leave me asleep till noon. i'd have to get another job." he muses sadly. he then looks up at my pout, softly chuckling. "you're so cute." he sighs, making me blush. suddenly, he gets up and stands up, holding his hands out in front of me.

"dance with me!" he exclaims, and my eyes widen.

"what? no!" i quickly shake my head, moving away from him. he pouts and looks at me pleadingly.

"c'mon, please! just one dance!" he laughs, trying to grab my hands, but i continue resisting.

"one dance, no chance!"

hey guys, hope you enjoy xx

(even though no one is reading this lol)

also, first part of my new jachary book is up! go check it out xx

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