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jack's pov~

i breathe out loudly as i cancel yet another call from jonah, because i know he's probably going to ask where i am and i'm not in the mood to lie to him. the queue was dragging on even longer than last week, but i guess that's mainly because i have no friends to entertain me. that's a reminder than i'm actually here on my own, and i'm gonna be on my own for the rest of the evening, unless of course i can find the blonde boy again.

truthfully, corbyn hadn't left my mind for a single second during the past week. we spent the entire evening talking to each other, and he even got me two other drinks himself after finding out i didn't have any more money on me, despite my protests. i couldn't help falling for his charms, and of course his beautiful face, and it made me feel stupid, because he probably hasn't even thought about me since then. i breathe out nervously as i look at the queue of people, realising i don't fit in in the slightest, but i try to push the feeling away.

just try and have fun, i tell myself. hopefully, i will end up meeting corbyn again. or else this will be a very wasted experience.

as it comes up to my turn, the butterflies form in my stomach, and when i hand the bouncer my i.d. card, i can't help but hold my breath. there's no point being nervous, because he only skims his eyes across the card before handing it back and allowing me to enter. i breathe out in relief, but it doesn't last long as i see the huge crowd of people and the thumping music and flashing lights.

i try to make my way across, dancing along to the beat in the most awkward way possible. finally, i'm close enough to the counter to be able to see who's there, and my spirits fall entirely when i see it's not corbyn. instead, some tall, tanned boy is serving drinks, looking fairly bored. i slowly walk up to him, seeing his serving some other people. i place myself next to a young looking lad with curly hair, and i try my best to ignore his stares as i attempt to catch the bartenders attention.

"how can i help you?" he sighs, looking at me with dull eyes.

"um, is corbyn not working tonight?" i ask sheepishly, feeling a blush arise on my cheeks. he raises an eyebrow at me, trying to hide his smirk.

"ah, the infamous jack. nice to meet you, i'm oscar." he says, holding his hand out for me to shake. my blush darkens even more at his words, and i can't seem to formulate words. "i'm not sure where besson is at the moment, but if i see him, i'll let him know a cute, curly haired guy is looking for him." he winks, leaving me flustered and confused, and i don't speak. i turn away, looking out at the crowd.

corbyn is here. he's spoken about me. this might not be as awful as i thought.

just then, the young guy next to me, catches my attention.

"hey love, you look bored, wanna dance?" he asks lowly over the music. i look at him in surprise, trying to hide my displeasure.

"uh, no." i quickly turn away, cringing at my awkwardness.

i curse myself mentally; shoulda stayed on the sofa, forgot i hate being social.

hey guys ♡

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