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jack's pov~

everything's so dark and loud, i feel like my head might explode. i squint into the darkness, letting soft apologies fly out of my mouth as i push through everyone, trying to find someone i know, to no avail. i feel my chest tighten as everyone pushes against me, dancing and grinding along to the beat. i feel my blood pulsing through my veins as i finally see a less crowded area, next to one of the quieter bars, where there aren't many people and the music can't be heard quite as loudly, and i sigh in relief, finally feeling my lungs fill up with fresh air. i glance towards the bar, noticing the list of drinks on offer, and decide i could probably use one right about now. i managed to get in, i may as well use this chance to drink some alcohol.

as i'm approaching the counter, that only has one other person ordering two drinks, my eyes catch onto the bartender, and i feel my heart miss a beat; his blonde hair shines with the random flashing lights, his face clouded in shadows but his large, friendly smile very evident. his slim figure moves quickly behind the counter, swiftly grabbing cups and filling them to the top with liquid. my eyes get quickly captivated by his quick, smooth, professional movements, and i can't help but stare as i slowly sit down on one of the tall chairs, watching his grab money from the man.

suddenly, his gaze turns to me, and i can't help but love the small smile that forms on his lips. he looks away again as he puts the money away, but then looks right back up again as he slowly makes his way towards me, his eyes wondering around my face. he stops right in front of me, leaning his hands against the counter smugly, before tilting his head sideways.

"hello love, would you like something to drink?" his smooth voice calls out to me, and for the first time tonight i feel like maybe this was all worth it.

"hm, surprise me." i say, clucking my tongue as i push my five dollar bill forwards. the blonde smirks slightly, before grabbing the money and beginning to make my drink, not stopping his wandering glances in my direction.

"you having fun?" he starts, concentrating on filling the cup properly, and i look back over at the rowdy crowd.

"not in the slightest." i say casually, watching him push my drink and some coins forwards. "yourself?" i ask him, watching him stand there. he obviously wanted to see what i thought of the drink.

"i could say the same as you." he nods towards the drink, and i comply, picking it up and placing the cold glass against my lips. we keep our eyes locked as i take a small sip, immediately loving the strong, fruity flavour that fills my mouth. i softly moan, half because of the taste and also because i really wanted to tease the attractive male. i succeed, because i watch the blonde purse his lips to hide his smile.

"i'm pleasantly surprised, thank you..." i trail off to show that i want him to give me his name.

"oh, i'm corbyn." he quickly says when he realises my intentions.

"hm, gorgeous name for a gorgeous person. i'm jack." i poke out my hand, not giving corbyn enough time to react to my comment, despite his soft blush, before he shakes my hand lightly. our hands stay firmly connected for a few seconds, and i appreciate how soft and delicate his feel.

"so what brings someone like you to a club like this one?" corbyn starts the conversation, going over to quickly serve another customer but keeping his attention on me.

"ugh, my friends forced me to come; trust me, i did not want to." i grumble, already beginning to voice my annoyance to someone who i had only just met, but corbyn shows nothing but interest as i start rambling. "i still can't believe they convinced me! and i can't believe i haven't run out yet. i mean, they'd probably be really mad if i did, and i would have wasted a whole evening... i mean, i was waiting in line for an hour!"

hey guys! what did you think?

also, what ship should my next book (based off Don't Change) be? i'm thinking one with zach cause i haven't written any with him and i wanna do them all so what do you think? xx

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