Chapter 1: The letter arrives (plus some extra fluff)

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(HELLO WATTPAD!!! That's stupid to say.... oh well!! 'Tis I!! Sassy Macaroni!! I hope you enjoy my cringe writing  😆)

~Lams (Alex's P.O.V)~

"ALEXANDER HAMILTON GET YOUR ASS AWAY FROM THAT COMPUTER SCREEN AND COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!!!!" I heard my boyfriend call from the living room. I groaned and sat back in the office chair "BABY I'M ALMOST DONE WITH THE PAPER-" I started but was quickly cut off,

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE THE STUFF FROM DISNEY IS HERE!!" he screamed up. That got me to go downstairs where I saw my boyfriend John Laurens dancing around with a box with the Disney logo on it "No shit-" I said and ran over and stole the box from John. He protested and tried grabbing it but I quickly opened it and dumped out the contents. John screamed at me to be careful with the stuff and quickly scooped it up.

Soon my phone started ringing frantically and I recognized the ring tone. My friend Lafayette was calling me, which meant that he and his boyfriend (and also my friend) Hercules had gotten their box. I answer and was met by frantic screaming in French. I put it on speaker phone so John could hear.

"ALEXANDRE IL EST VENU LA BOITE ES VENU AUJOURD'HUI! HERCULES L'A RECU DU PREMIER PAS QUAND IL EST REVENU DU MAGASIN ET-" he screamed but I cut him off "Laf, English please, you're on speaker phone" I told him and looked at John who looked extremely lost from the barrage of French being said by our French friend. "Oh, sorry Alexandre, my fault, I just got too excited and-" he looped into French again.

I heard someone of the other end trying to calm him down who must've been Herc. After about a minute or so Laf had calmed down enough to speak in English "Heh- sorry mon ami, I said that the box came and Hercules found it when he came back from the store" he said. John spoke "It's good man, just try not to freak out in French anymore" he said and Laf laughed "I will do my best mon ami, I'm just so excited!" he said.

"We all are Laf" I said. I heard Herc speaking in the background "It took all of us months saving up but we're in" he said and John smiled "I just mooched off of Alex" he said. I hit him playfully which cause him to yelp and the two people on the other end of the line to laugh. "Just think guys- in a couple weeks, we're all be on a plane to Disney World!" I said and we all cheered. "Hell Yeah we are!" John said happily.

Herc said he had to go so John and I ended the call and stared setting up the stuff for Disney "I can't believe it Lexi,  Disney world with the four of us, how awesome is that!" he said and he hugged me tightly. John is about 6'2" (I made that up don't yell at me please)  meanwhile I m a comfortable 5'7" (I made that up too) which puts me as the smallest person.... and the only one that's not 6 feet.... YEAH I'M SHORT BUT I CAN STILL KICK YOUR ASS!! Sorry that was a bit much...

I hugged back happily and nuzzled into his chest "Months of waiting and here we are... just a couple weeks away" I smiled happily. John picked me up and spun me around causing me to laugh happily. He laughed too and tripped over the couch, causing both of us to fall onto it. We laughed more and I laid on top of John "just a couple more weeks..." I said and John started playing with my hair. Soon enough, I passed out from excitement- and sleep deprivation.

~Mullete (Laf's P.O.V)~

I could still hardly believe it- DISNEY WORLD!! I'd always wanted to go ever since I was little, but the one on Paris isn't as good as the one in Florida I've been told, so I waited for a chance to go to the one in Florida. We actually started talking about this when Hercules and I went out for our 1 year anniversary. He mention that he was making a princess costume for one of his clients and then I brought up Disney. He's been a couple times and told me I would love it, so we hooked up with Alex and John and have been planning ever since.

Alex had never been either so John and Herc did most of the planning to try and keep it a secret for the two of us which was fine by me. Alex on the other hand kept begging to help and was turned down each time so he started working longer shifts so we would have enough money to go. Alex and Herc were the main financiers for our trip since they had actual full time jobs. John just never found something he liked, and the fact that I wasn't perfect with English made it hard to find a job, so I started helping Herc at his Tailoring shop. 

After we called John and Alex Herc caught a call from work with an order so we had to go. Herc drove us to his shop and he started working in the back on the order while I helped two girls in the front. My English was a million times better then when I had first moved here, though I still had a thick accent, which the girls thought was "handsome".

"Hello there! My friend and I are looking for some dresses for our school dance tomorrow night" The taller one exclaimed. They both took one look at me and I swear they had hearts in their eyes. Good grief.... "Well we have many different types of dresses, feel free to look around" I said and they giggled to each other "Thanks mister" the other one said before turning to her friend "he's french ohmygod!!" she squealed and tried to whispered to her friend without much success. I rolled my eyes and helped them look for a dress.

After what felt like 3 hours and lots of failed attempts at flirting the two girls finally bought a dress and left, though when they were giving me the money, one slipped their phone number into the bills. I smiled and waved to them and once they were gone I tore up the number and went into the back and plopped on one of the chairs "WHY DO GIRLS THINK I'M STRAIGHT" I whined and Herc laughed and looked up "Maybe you don't expel enough Gay energy like John and I do" he went back to his work and I groaned "But it literally have a boyfriend it cannot get much gayer than that!" I explained.

Herc rolled his eyes then focused on his work, leaving me with nothing to do until more people came. 


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