Chapter 2: A few days before (featuring a lot of drinking-)

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(yo waddup, sassy macaroni here, this chapter may start to borderline some smuttiness so if ya ain't into that stuff, skip to the next part, and for ya sinners, it's not that bad, just move along)

~Lams (Johns P.O.V)~

3 days till Disney and I couldn't be more excited! Alex was working his ass of day and night to make sure we had enough money, so I called for a guys night out on the town at the local bar. We found a night, tonight, and now I was just waiting for Alex to drag himself away from his computer screen.

"LEXI LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I yelled up to him. I heard him groan and he eventually came downstairs. "Oh no, not like that-" I said then dragged him upstairs after seeing him in sweatpants and a dirty hoodie "John it's fine-" he said but I scooped him up and tossed him onto the bed and grabbed some clothes for him. "Put these on, then we can go" I said and crossed my arms.

Alex groaned and changed into them quickly "There, happy now?!" he said with a hint of anger. I nodded then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bar. It was only a few blocks away and a quick walk for me, but Alex wasn't as fast on his tiny legs. "John I know you're making fun of my height secretly" Alex said randomly. Oops- "Whattttt it's cuteee" I said and laughed which only made Alex more angry.

We eventually got to the bar and Herc and Laf were already there with a spot "Yo, nice of you to finally show up" Herc said. I slid into the booth across from him and Alex slid in next to me. I laughed softly "Alex couldn't keep up-" I started but Alex cut me off "OK WE GET IT I'M SHORT COMPARED TO YOU LITERAL GIANTS!!" He complained which cause Herc, Laf, and I to go into a fit of laughter.

Alex turned bright red and a Laf stood up to get drinks "What's everyone getting?" he asked. "The usual" Herc and I said "Two pints of Sam Adams" he looked at Alex who crossed his arms "Something to numb all senses" he mumbled and Laf chuckled "So a mind number and 2, no 3 Sam Adam, can't forget about myself" he chucked then went to the bar to get our drinks.

Herc looked at Alex "You actually look decent in public for once- who are you" he leaned across the table and fixed his jacket. Alex glared at him "John made me" he said bluntly and I rolled my eyes "He was wearing hobo clothes" I explained "Ah, the ol' hoodie and sweat pants combo?" he questioned and I nodded (that's not really hobo clothes- I wear that all the time, John and Herc are just making fun of Alex's wardrobe)

Alex rolled his eyes and Laf came back with the drinks. "3 Sam Adams and a mind number for Alex" he passed them out with a smile then I noticed there were 4 other shot glasses. I raised my eyebrow. Laf took notice and passed out the shots "Our last night before being surrounded by tiny kids and random teenagers and college students" he explained. Herc laughed slightly "Nice thinking Laf" I said and tipped my glass to him.

Alex looked like he was about to murder someone but he took the shot glass and tipped it to everyone "Hooray" he said sarcastically and downed it. I went next then Herc and Laf. We put the glasses down and worked on our other drinks while the strong alcohol stared to take its course.

~Mullete (Herc's P.O.V)~

This may be a bad time to mention this, but the four of us are a mess drunk, and we love to drink... Everything was fine until Alex finished his drink. He hiccuped and we all knew the drunk game had officially started. I looked around at all of our glasses. John was almost finished with his, I was done with mine and Laf was about halfway done. Alex is normally the first one drunk then Laf. John and I take a couple more drinks before getting really drunk, so yeah, lot's of booze

Alex nuzzled into John and hiccuped again "Get me another one of thoseee" he slurred and giggled, his sour attitude from earlier completely melting away. John finished his drink then stood up and eyed all the empty glasses "Another round?" he asked and Laf and I nodded. Alex giggled again which John took as a yes. I helped Laf finish his drink and by the time John had gotten back Laf's glass was empty too. John passed out the new drinks and Alex eagerly drank all his in just a couple goes before reaching for John's glass

John took is away though and Alex pouted "Johnny won't give me a drinkkkk" he slurred and John rolled his eyes and drank his. Laf was a bit slower with his but succumbed to the alcohols affects next. He looked up at me and stole my beanie. I hated it when people touched my beanies, but Laf was most likely drunk and didn't know better, plus he was my boyfriend. He put it one and smiled drunkenly. I smiled too and kissed his cheek which caused him to giggle

Alex gasped "Johnny I want love and affectionnnnn" he whined and Laf giggled again "Well my boyfriend loves meee" he slurred and moved himself onto my lap. Did I mention we had a drinking problem? I chuckled softly and wrapped my arms around him which cause Laf to giggle again. Alex whined more so John kissed his forehead "Is that better Lexi?" he asked. I could tell he was struggling to keep his sentences right but pushed it aside, hell we were all drunk or getting there.

Alex nodded and smiled "Johnny get drunk with Frenchie and meeee, it's more funnnn" Alex slurred. John rolled his eyes and went and got more stronger drinks. Laf was smiling happily on my lap and I nuzzled my face into his neck causing the Frenchman to burst out giggling again. Alex looked at us with jealousy and when John came back and sat down he plopped himself on his lap, with no complaints from John

Alex and Laf hungrily downed their drinks while John and I finished closely behind them. By now my thoughts were starting to get muddled and I looked over at John and his facial expression revealed he was having the same experience. I let go and let the alcohol do what it wanted. Laf was playing with my beanie and I smiled before taking it back. Laf gasped "Mon Amour why did you do thattt" he whined while I put on the beanie. "Cause it's mine" I explained and my words started to slur together. John giggled "Alex is mineee" he purred in Alex's ear which cause him to shiver and turn red

Laf looked up at me "Am I yours mon amour?" he asked and I nodded and kissed his neck "of course you are my little french fry" I slurred and Laf bit his lip "PDA~" Alex teased and I flipped him off playfully. "Mon Ami that is not PDA- this is" Laf said before turning and slamming his lips onto mine. I kissed back happily and pulled him closer. I faintly heard Alex go "bleh" but I ignored it. I tangled my fingers into Lafs hair and he grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him

Alex was complaining and John shut him up with a kiss. I smirked and pulled away for some air "John knows how to shut Alex up" I slurred and Alex flipped me off and I laughed. Alex wrapped his legs around Johns waist but then abruptly stopped and squeaked before pulling away "somethings poking me.." he said and looked down. John was bright red and Laf and I started laughing

Alex realized what it was and turned red "o-oh.." he stammered and looked up at John before smirking "Need help with that~" he purred and I saw his hand drift down to John's pants though the table covered it up. John bit his lip harshly then pushed Alex off of his lap. and stood up, though there was a noticeable bulge. Laf and I laughed more and Alex stood in front of John

John dragged him out with Alex giggling and Laf and I still laughing. "5 bucks says they have sex tonight" I said and Laf shook his head "I'm not taking the bet, cause I know they will" we both laughed more then closed out the tab and started walking back to our place, hand in hand keeping each other from falling all the way back

(Oof that wasn't too bad. and hell, maybe I'll write what happened later, but right now I need to get these 4 into the park first XD)

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