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I look at Captain Hamilton, as he puts his head in his hands shakes it. I come up behind him and his back. "We will have start again, Aimee."

I sit down in the chair next to him. "What else can we do?"

"Comprised!" I hear out the door again. I can't help it... I laugh. Captain Hamilton looks at me and shakes his head, and laughs.

"Let's go home, Aimee." He smiles and we walk out the office, separately of course. I drive to my apartment and as I look behind me, I see Captain Hamilton is following me in his old Ford Mustang. Man, he loves that thing.

I tune into my small little house and walk inside to let Hamilton in through the front door. He smiles at me, and looks at me with the look he uses to give orders. I close the door behind me, and he crashes his lips onto mine. My fingers find his hair and he takes off his jacket slowly. He pulls me closer and we kiss... deeply, fully, passionately... I smile as his runs his fingers over my arms softly. He knows how much I like it. I laugh as we pull away and catch our breath.

"Well, might as well start everything again. You ready for it this time?" He asks. I laugh and shake my head.

"Why not?" He throws his head back and laughs. He leans over and kisses my lips. I smile and we walk into the kitchen.

Noah has a tattoo on his shoulder. I've never noticed it before until they filmed the shirtless scene. It's some sort of tribal marking type thing. It suits him, and it kind of makes him look even more built. His muscles are well defined, and he looks extremely fit and strong. I guess it's part of the job description.

Everything has changed. Well, almost everything. They got a new female to play the villain. She is gorgeous, with the shiny perfect auburn hair and her well-built perfect body. Everything is almost perfect, except her personality, though, is as shallow as a sink.

"Aimee!" She yells. The devil herself. Donna Clair Delaney.

"I said I'm coming! I'm a bit busy at the moment!" I yell, as I am currently hanging a couple of feet in the air, as Rob insisted he uses me to portray how the scenes will look when they are filmed.

"Where are you?" She snaps, and I cough, and she looks up and rolls her eyes.

"I need you to come and explain to me how to do this next scene. We aren't paying you for nothing you know! Lazy bitch!" She screams and I laugh.

"Oh... I'm sorry! I'll come down and help you as soon as I can, your majesty, because after all, you are the most important person right now, and you are most certainly the one paying me!" I spit.

"It's shameful, how you think you can treat me! I can have you fired!" She comments as examines her perfectly manicured fingernails. Noah, who is still shirtless, walks over to her. I motion for the tech team to bring me down. My feet touch the ground softly, and I unclip myself from the ropes. I sigh and put on a smile.

"What can I do for you, your majesty?" Her eye twitches. I smile innocently.

"I am not royalty." She snaps, "So stop calling me that!" I smile.

"Oh... I thought you were above us all, so I was just giving you the respect that one above us deserves." I mock, and her face twists into a snarl. "But anyway, what can I do for you?" I smile sweetly, and she narrows her eyes.

"I would shut up if I was you, and I need to run through the fight scene with you." She answers, with poison in every word.

I taught Noah and her the fight scene, which worked something like a dance. Effects would be added later on to make it into a proper fight scene.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now