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Mathias is an actor. He showed up to the movie set wearing a pair of palm tree shorts, a white tee shirt, white sneakers and sunglasses. He arrived driving his red Audi, hooting as he arrived at the location. My jaw unhinged. I did not expect this.

I cannot remember the last time that I was so speechless and so surprised by someone lying. I watched him get out his Audi and shake Rob's hand, and then proceed to do a complicated handshake with Noah, implying that they know each other and are good friends. Then, Mathias turns to look at me, standing in all my glory in a deep red dress which reaches a few centimetres above my knee, which is one of the very few occasions you will e ever see me wearing a dress. They had to force me into it as it was. He also looks a bit surprised to see me. He blinks, smiles and he swaggers over to where I am standing. He pulls on one of my curls, which reaches just below my shoulder, and then he lets it bounce back up to its original position. I cross my arms and shake my head, looking at him angrily.

"Aimee!" He smiles and all I can do is glare at him, while I hardly knew a thing about him yesterday, the least he could have told me was that he is staring in the same movie I am.

"What?" I snap, bouncing uncomfortably in the dress. They have done my makeup more dramatic today, and my below shoulder length hair bounces wildly in curls which blow in the salty breeze. I am also wearing high heels which match the red dress to a tee. My jewellery is set to a minimum, but I still wear a small diamond necklace and small studs. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask shaking my head. My hair blows into my face and before I can reach up to tuck it behind my ear, Mathias beats me to it. His soft hand tucks the curl behind my ear and lingers there longer than necessary.

"I'm sorry, Φωτιά." He apologises and I roll my eyes

"Sure you are. Now go get dressed!" I order and point him to the flock of stylists motioning for him to get ready.

Mathias returns to my side a few minutes later, decked in a black suit. My breath almost catches. He looks drool-worthy. His hair is all messy and yet he rocks the style like it was made for him. He swaggers over to where I am standing, as I flick through the script for the scene one last time. "You look beautiful in red, Aimee." He comments. I peer at him over my script.

"Раздражающий лжец ... но ты красивый, так что я думаю, что я могу простить это!" I yell at him in Russian. He takes out his phone and holds it up so I can see the screen. It's open on google translate, and he has obviously recorded my speaking. He turns his phone back around and reads the translation.

"I am an annoying liar, but I am also handsome, so you'll forgive me?" He asks, looking down at the translation. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Thanks?"

"Ja. Sie sehen gut aus, sind aber auch ein Lügner." I respond in German, basically telling him that he is both handsome and I liar, "Ich wette, Sie können kein Deutsch verstehen, oder?  Ich kann fünf Sprachen sprechen, leg dich nicht mit mir an!" I yell and he only looks more confused. I basically yelled at him that I am sure he cannot understand German, and I can also speak five other languages. He shouldn't mess with me.

"You speak German and Russian?" He asks, almost flabbergasted.

"Oh yes! I can speak five languages, which was what my speech in German was about." I brag. He raises an eyebrow.

"Well that's awesome. Can you teach me swear words? I can swear at all people who are annoying and then tell them that I am saying that I am overly fond of them in German." He comments, a teasing smile painting his features.

"What? No. I will not teach you how to swear in German!" I shake my head.

"Russian?" He pleads. I glare at him.

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