Agt en Twintig

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^Afrikaans for Twenty Eight. Pronounced as ah-ght n twin-ta-gh. I'm trying to mix things up. Good luck 😂


As I rush up to the room I am using in Noah's house, my back burns. It does that a lot, especially when I think about the tragedy, which happened only
thee days after I discharged myself from the hospital. The scars are mostly healed, the stitches have come out from some of the bigger cuts, but it's not the pain... Whenever I think about the situation my body starts to shake and my back burns. Maybe it's because I know I failed every single one of those people who died that day... If only I could have done something more... I blink.

I am not crashing at Noah's because of the recurring nightmares. I could never tell him about those, just thinking about them makes then worse. Most of the time, I couldn't sleep at my house, well I couldn't, until they blew it up. Noah then  insisted I move in with him. My parents offered, but they only have a two bedroom unit, as that is all they need, a bedroom for the two of them, and a bedroom for Carrie. I got offered the couch. So, my options were a glamorous celebrity mansion, which overlooks the sea, or a couch in my parent's living room. I'm telling you... The decision was very difficult to make, and I think I went with the unpopular option and decided to move into Noah's place. Strange decision, I know.

I received a gut feeling my house was going to be blown up a week after the attacks on the two buildings. I was in my bedroom, when I got the strange, tingly feeling. I scanned my entire house using one of my explosive detectors, but I could find nothing. Nevertheless, I packed everything I could into cardboard boxes. Picture frames, most of my clothing, my favourite bottles of wine, my secret stashes of chocolate and Oreos, all my valuables, my baseball and baseball bat, and even my favourite mugs, everything remotely special to me, I packed into large cardboard boxes. My books took up about seven of the twelve boxes. I hired a car, and I packed it full to the brim. I even had space for my favourite coffee table and tiny arm chair, well I did, when I called Quinn for help. After Quinn heard about the attacks, she and her family stayed back in Bali for a few weeks until they moved back to LA. I hadn't seen her since she had moved back, but in all fairness, I was fairly busy trying to find the President and the others, and she understood, as she always does.

Quinn let me stay at her place, and she brought me home, and her three kids, Jamie, Connor and Rosie May, all tackled me to the ground. I couldn't believe that they still remembered me. They all call me Auntie Lambie, which I find highly amusing. My house was blown up that night, by drones. They didn't even have the audacity to go there in person. Typical idiots.

I lasted at Quinn's house for four days. Her kids drove me insane. They always wanted to play with me. Don't get me wrong, I love her kids, way too much, but I couldn't take it anymore. I never had a moment of peace, and I had to sleep on the couch. On the fifth day, I called Noah. Everything was out of the house, and so I packed up, and I loaded everything onto Noah's pickup truck, and he drove me to his house. He was one of the first people to offer me a place to stay, when he heard that my house was under.. major construction... I refused because I was staying with Quinn, even though she also had a couch. I felt less bad housing with her because she bummed off of me, who had the apartment with the money I received after dad died, when she was going to college. After a while though, with the kid story, I eventually called up Noah, convincing myself that it wasn't an issue because he is a celebrity and thus he has money, which is clearly obvious by the cars he drives.

What I didn't expect though, was the extent of Noah's wealth. Noah's house is insane. It has an indoor pool and a games room which was bigger than almost my entire old apartment. I am still unsuccessful in convincing him to install a bowling alley, though. The beach is almost on his doorstep, and he has about ten or something bedrooms, each with it's own walk-in closet and en-suite bathroom. Noah's room is the biggest, and most simple. Pictures of his family are hung all around it, and he has posters of his favourite baseball and basketball stars hung up. It's the only room which looks lived in. When you walk in the entrance, there are huge frames of the movies he has acted in, as well as some teen choice awards framed in glass cases. My favourite thing though, I'm the entrance is the freakin' fountain which I like to dip my legs in sometimes. Don't tell him that, though. It's funnier when he doesn't realise why the floor in the entrance is always wet.

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