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We arrived in Greece in no time. I was stuck with Noah and his super annoying girlfriend for most of the trip. They were in each other's faces for most of the trip. She sat on his lap and the smith of saliva they must have shared could probably fill two large Coca Cola bottles. It makes me shudder. I kept putting the volume of the movie that was showing on the plane louder to try and drown out the sounds. It was disgusting. When we finally touched down, I must have been the first one off that plane. I almost kissed the ground, I couldn't wait to get away from them.

It's no surprise that Noah is a good kisser. I think Georgina and him have been together almost a year, maybe more. That means they must do that... every time they see each other. I shudder, does that mean I'm indirectly kissing Georgina when I am kissing Noah. I stand in the airport with my suitcase to wait for Noah. Georgina walks past me, knocking me with a force of a wildcat with her huge suitcase.

"Excuse me!" She barks and pushes past me to get to Noah. I roll my eyes and roll my suitcase behind me.

We arrive at our hotel, after being picked up by drivers of a number of difference coloured Mini Coopers. It was so much fun. The hotel building is a fancy one, which is fitting because it is a five star hotel. The paparazzi line the streets before we walk in and Georgina waves and blows kisses to them, wrapping her arms around Noah, as if to claim him. The paparazzi push me around, in order to get a picture of Noah and Georgina, which lands up creating a huge blockade between me and the hotel entrance. I try to push my way through but they land up pushing me back with a mighty force. I am eventually shoved and pushed so far back, I stand on the tar road. I blink, standing there flabbergasted. Noah, who has been smiling for the cameras, finally notices my struggling. He walks over through the paparazzi mob and walks over to me. He picks up my suitcase and grabs my hand, and the paparazzi part like Noah is Moses and they are the Red Sea.

These actions seems to pique the interest of the paparazzi, as I start hearing yells, "Who is she, Noah? What about Georgina? Is something going on between you two?" Seriously? He was just helping me out. I roll my eyes, and on the other hand, Georgina looks absolutely horrified at their comments, and grabs Noah and kisses him, long and passionately. The cameras went mad, and all you could see was the flashing and sousing of the excited mob, and all you could hear was the camera clicking and the crowd 'awwing'.

I roll my eyes and walk into the hotel. I receive my room and step into an elevator. A very, very attractive man stands in the elevator, staring at his watch. He looks up at me and gives a slight nod of his head. I smile at him and turn and bite my lip. The elevator door dings closed. I push the bottom for the fifth floor, and see that is already pushed. He is obviously staying there. I tuck my hair behind my ear and look down at my clothing. I am wearing white shorts, a black top with sunflowers on them, and black sneakers. He, on the other hand, is wearing a pair of brown chinos and a navy blue work shirt, and somehow looks devastatingly handsome in it.

"The name's Aimee, if you were wondering." I say into the silence.

"Mathias." He responds in a deep voice, with a slight Greek accent. Swoon. "I was wondering." He winks at me.

"How long are you staying?" I decide to ask.

"Two weeks. Business." He answers, his beautiful balls of amber examining my face. "You?"

"Two weeks. Just travelling." I state. We are just travelling.

"Right." He nods and the elevator dings. "I'm in room 521, if you want to find me." He walks out and I find myself smiling. So... Mathias...

I look down at my keycard.

"I'm 529!" I yell at him, as he is already so far away, carried by his long and quick strides. He laughs, a deep thunderous sound, which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now