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As part of the script, she walked away, and left me standing there awkwardly. From here on, my reactions are supposed to be improvised. I scratch my neck awkwardly but smile and laugh, shaking my head in the direction she walked off in. "I'm a such goner." I add, and I turn on my heel and head off in the opposite direction. I can't help agree with my character. He is a goner alright.

"And scene!" Rob yells, and the cameras stop rolling. That was one hell of a kiss. I have no idea where Aimee learnt it, but she is absolutely amazing. She is attractive in blue. It compliments her skin and brings out her dark hair.

"That was excellent you two!" Rob gushes. "The chemistry and sexual tension can be cut with a knife. It is suffocating between you two!" He shifts his index finger between us, looking at us over his glasses as if he is an old professor. Aimee looks wide eyed at me. I smirk. "Are you sure you two haven't..."

"Nope. No. No way." Aimee contradicts quickly, shaking her head wildly back and forth and she waves her arms in the shape of a cross. "Definitely not." I chuckle at her reaction. So I do have a hold on her. I thought I did but now my suspicions have been confirmed. Aimee shoves her hands into her pea coat pockets and sticks out her left leg to admire her shoes.

"So," She turns to Rob, "What's next?" She rotates her ankle, still admiring her shiny shoes. I shake my head. She is very odd.

"Greece." He comments and Aimee sighs. I can see by her facial expressions. She hates us. I can see her every time before she is about to act a scene, though she hides it well, the despair she feels. It looks like every bone in her body is telling her to turn around and run. She looks deeply regretful after every scene, probably realising that she is further and further away from every getting her old life back. I feel sorry for her. I do. But, she just has so much potential and while she makes a good spy, she makes a better actress.

Aimee swallows, as if there is a lump in her thought and she turns to walk out of Central Park. Rob almost runs after her but I shake my head, and motion for him to let her go. She needs time away from us. She whistles, a cab stops and she hops in, and the yellow machine leaves with her in it. "When do we leave for Greece?" I ask.

"Two days." He announces, shakes his head at the empty road, turns and then starts barking orders at the film crew.

"I am going to explore some of New York. I will see you at the airport in two days." I comment and Rob nods, heading off to continue his barking.

My security detail waits on the block. "My hotel please. I will just stay there for the rest of the day. Thank you." They drive me to the hotel and I walk to the penthouse. The paparazzi haven't quite realised that we are in New York, which is due to excellent planning by the film company. This movie is the most anticipated movie since the Titanic. It's budget is ginormous and people cannot wait. After all, I am the new 007. I walk up to my hotel room, grab my Yankee's cap, and Ray Ban sunglasses. I change into jeans and a causal navy tee which matches my cap. I put the two in and catch the subway to Queens. Memories flash as the bus drives through the borough. A woman sits across from me chewing her gum loudly and she winks at me. It's funny how putting in a cap and wearing sunglasses makes people completely oblivious to who you are actually. I nod in return to her affections. She winks one more time and the bus stops and I climb off, reaching my destination.

Before me stands the New York Fire department fire station - Engine 315/Ladder 125. Memories come flooding back as I see my father carrying me on his shoulders into the station. My father was my hero, and rightly so.

I walk through the entrance. "Can we help you, Sir?" One asks. I take off my sunglasses. No one recognises me.

"Do you mind if I look at the wall of remembrance? My father-" I explain but the firefighter nods and points me in the direction, even though I know it full well. My feet echo against the corridor and I close my eyes as the memories come rushing back.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now