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Aimee looks at me. "We have to kiss now." I smirk. She narrows her eyes.

"There is no actual way that I am doing that. I'm sorry." She refuses as she crosses her arms. We have been filming in New York for a week already. Donna Claire has not shown up once, which was exactly to plan. Donna Claire Delaney, is an executive in the company. From the moment Aimee Johnson walked into the room to train with me, Rob knew she would be perfect for the new role. Rob had already planned for a new character - the female villain, but he scrapped the role, because he didn't find the right fit... well... until Aimee, of course. Donna Claire was part of the deal the entire time. In fact, it was partly her idea. She doesn't act. Simple. She hates it, but it would have been believable if she stood in, because of her position, she knows a lot about film. She will not be returning until the movie is finished filming. This, the plan is to get Aimee to act the entire film through, as she is absolutely perfect for the role. This plan is absolutely sneaky and pure genius, and eventually, she will not have a choice but to star in the movie. Besides, who doesn't want to be a movie star?

"Come on, Aimee. It's only an on-stage kiss. It means nothing." I tease, and she scoffs.

"No. Where is Donna Claire? I'm sick of doing this." She comments and pulls on a curl. Today, she is wearing an emerald pantsuit with black heels. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and is curled to perfection. Aimee likes pulling on the curls and watching them bounce back into their original position. It's really funny actually, I don't think she realises she does it. She is good consort sometimes, but man, she can really annoy me sometimes. She is so stubborn, and she doesn't care to hide her irritation for my company, but then again, I don't hide mine for hers. She thinks she knows everything, and she is this very independent, arrogant and cocky. She is blinded by her hubris. She cocks her head.

"Donna Claire is not coming back." Rob butts in, as we are standing in the middle of the stage, trying to convince Aimee that she doesn't have a choice. The script says to kiss me and you follow the script. We know this.

"Excuse me?" Aimee looks confused, and puts her hand on her hips.

"Let's clear things up, shall we?" Rob directs her to the boardroom. We tell her everything and by the end of it, she sits silently, looking down at her fingers drumming on the long wooden table. She shakes her head, still looking down.

"Well..." She laughs, "I didn't see that coming." She looks up now, and stares at me in the eyes and glares. If looks could kill... "I appreciate you telling me the truth, but you have to understand, I didn't agree to do this. I am a spy. I am not an actress. I was never the stand in, this was not what I signed up for. I need to get back to my work." She explains and walks out the room, shaking her head, and muttering under her breath.

"This is your work!" I yell behind her. She stops and turns on her heel.

"It's not my real work. This isn't real!" She yells and storms out the board room.

When I go out to find her, after Rob and I discussed what our next plan of action with regards to her will be going forward, I find her in the on-site gym, punching a punching bag. I don't know why we have a gym In the studio, but we do. Rich people privileges. She hits it so hard the entire bag rattles on its suspension. I put on some boxing gloves and start punching the bag next to her. She looks at me in the corner of her eye, I can see. Eventually, after a few minutes of silence, save for the rattling of the bag, she turns to look at me and sighs.

"I'm so angry with you, Noah." She growls and rips off her boxing gloves. "I though I would be here for a couple of months. I could deal with a couple of months. Putting me in this movie puts me in the spotlight. You know what I do Noah. You know." Shoot. "This will compromise everything." I try to interrupt her, but she shakes her head and holds up her hand. "They would not know what I do, but I cannot go undercover. I can't be invisible or inconspicuous anymore. What's the use of a spy who can't... spy?" She scoffs, "I never signed up for this. I never asked for this. I just wanted to come in, actually, scratch that, I didn't even want to come in, but I was forced to, and after this job was finished, I wanted to walk right back out into my normal life once again. I love field work. I live for it. I don't understand why I should have to give up what I am doing for a stupid movie." She is furious, and she is so angry that I can see tears are forming in her eyes, but I see her quickly compose herself and she swallows and straightens. "I am going to call my commanding officer." She leaves the room. She is fuming, and I know she thinks it is all my fault.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now