Thirty Four

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About two weeks ago, a new face appeared in the NSA, Luke. He looked slightly older than me, but he was still quite young. Luke acted as a double agent in Afghanistan for quite a long amount of time. He was the one who did most of my training, in order for me to become a counterfeit double agent for Nemesis. Luke, who happens to be the most easily attractive agent in our branch of the NSA, took an interest in me... and not just because I was going to be a double agent. We hit it off, and I think we have soon started to see each other as a rebound relationship, as he also since recently broke it off with his girlfriend. I should be any day when he finally gains the courage to ask me out.

I shake my head. Now is really not the time to be thinking about Luke. I try to rack my brains for what Luke would have done... and playing over my multiple training scenarios, but nothing comes to mind, and in a rush of both instinct, adrenaline, and purely me just being my stupid ass self, I squeaked like a tiny duck. The first person to pull me out from under the table was Noah, and continuing on in my supernatural state, which feels like I am high on weed or something stronger, "Well... Stuff my Socks." swims from my lips before I can stop it.

"Well, Agent Johnson, you have made yourself quite an entrance." Timothy Magnus chuckles. "Wanted to be part of the board meeting did you?" My heart is racing. I have to choose my next few words extremely carefully. Luke's voice comes floating through my mind, "If you are being suspected of betraying Nemesis, make sure that you have something which takes away all doubt from their minds - information which could potentially harm the NSA could be an example, but share it with caution. Use facts we have made up for such situations, which seem so real that it is almost impossible for them to be false."

"I actually came into the boardroom to look for you, Mr Magnus. I went to your office earlier but I couldn't find you anywhere. When the board members started coming in I thought I should take advantage of my situation and feel what it felt like to be a part of the board. It felt good, while it lasted. Especially when you discussed the part about me having two masters. I hope the information that I have yet to give you will prove my loyalty to Nemesis and Nemesis only."

Magnus does not look convinced and he whistles. The boardroom door opens again and a few guards rush in and haul me off my feet. Should I put up a fight? Or should I just leave it... I decide not to do anything, because that would definitely allow the doubts to grow, which is the last thing I can afford to happen. They drag me off to an empty room, filled with what looks like shower heads, and I quickly realise it's actually a gas chamber. Damn it.

I realise that they don't believe me - the doubt is sown too far deep into their minds. The guards let go of me, and leave the room and the door slams shut before I even have a chance to blink and a white gas floods into the room. A sudden feeling of drowsiness seems to flood into my veins and overwhelms my senses - sleeping gas. I have no time to comfortably lie down on the floor before I inevitably black out, so unfortunately I am sure to wake up sore. The last thing I remember feeling is hitting the cold tiles as I fall to the ground. That's going to hurt like a beach when I wake up.

Why can't life ever go right? Everything is always so complicated and all these people rattle on about how you should stop and smell the flowers. I guess that's a pretty way of looking at it, but sometimes I think it's also okay to scream and shout and throw your toys. I think it's okay to get angry when stuff doesn't work out, and then give yourself a pep talk afterwards.

When I finally regain my consciousness, I knew there was not going to be a pep talk coming anytime soon. Not when all I can hear is the thumping sound of my heartbeat as my head pounds, occasionally interrupted by the sound of birds chirping. My entire body feels wet and it's freaking freezing. I finally manage to open my eyes and stare straight into the damp darkness, like I can hardly even see my hand in front of me, it's so dark. What a freaking great way to wake up, and true to my initial feelings. I scream, internally... and externally, but it comes out more like seal, who has been hit with a boat, after getting high on seaweed. It takes my mind a few seconds to register, that this isn't where I was yesterday...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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