Rant #1 part two

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just so you know I was at school while writing this (what a coincidence I know)

REMINDER: Rant is about school hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe(im high soz)

(not rly i just always am)


Don't you just HATE working in group projects.


There will be 5 or so people in that group
At least ONE of them are lazy arses, and just sit there basically doing nothing
And then when we hand it in
That isnt even fair.
Then theres those ppl that just want to take over everything and think their ideas are just the greatest since the invention of computers. 

not looking at anyone in particular. nope. 

I could continue, but do i have to? you get the picture. No one ever agrees with something and that just makes time management so hard. 

Can anyone explain to me why a number depends on your future? Anyone? Nope? I thought so. 

Why cant it all just depend on your over all approvements in the year? 


Teachers say you spend the whole year learning and preparing for one thing: exams. And that just puts so much pressure, y'know?

Parents say your school years could be the best years of you life.

*sigh* yada yada.

And how bout those tests teachers give us?

theyre like "you must get them all right." Now. Do you think that would encourage me to do my best? probably. But, idk about u, but it gives me soooo much stress, and i am not one to work under pressure in tests. Everything else, yes. But tests NO. 

those tests usually are like a 6 page booklet with, lets say, 50 questions, with 1 hour to finish it. 
That sounds like plenty of time right? 

But when each question is like a paragraph long that should take about 15 minutes long to figure out and answer, is it easy?

Because you just never know what to expect in the test.

Usually I end up studying stuff thats not even involved in it. 

My brain cant handleee a lot of information, even if it was from all year round. 

And the school rules we have, are pathetic.

-no nailpolish or make up (not complaining with this dont wear make up anyway) 

-always tie hair up

-no colourful colours because we're just too depressing (we have a uniform) 

-No chewing gum

-do not eat in class because we want you to starve even if you didnt get the chance to eat breakfast earlier 

Theres more, but Im sure youre all familiar with them all.

Now lets talk about time management 

At my school, school starts at 8:35 A.M 

I always wake up at 7:30 

Im not one of those people that take like over 2 hours 2  get ready, thank God. But not even half an hour is enough for me to get ready.

For me to be prepared to go to sleep, i need to

- eat a full breakfast

-have extra rest 

-tidy my room properly cos i cant leave home with any thing messy, dont have time to tidy later

-Brush my hair properly so it doesnt have loose bits falling out later. my hair needs to survive the whole day 

to accomplish this, I need an hour and a half.

i usually dont wake up at 6:30 AM (not even with an alarm)

I think school should start at 10:00 AM (tbh i still will be lazy) 

(i think i should make a part three this is getting wayyyy too long) 

School is so tiring not even a holiday will fullfill it.

At school we have to spend time with other children (obviously) 

and what happens when we dont get along?


things such as backstabbing, gossiping, teasing, (etc etc) makes us feel bad bout our self

then we dont even see the point of going to school

because if ur like me, you still havent talked to some ppl because you've decided to stick with one group 

but you know what?

its better than having a wholeee lot of friends and not knowing if you can trust them

MOVING ON------------------ 


Idk if u have one, but I do. 

Our uniforms are sooo expensive. 

And we usually grow out of them, and we have to buy a new one. Our uniform in total would cost just about $1000 

and we have to wear them 5 days a week, do you know how disgusting it is to know that youve worn it for 30 hours in a week?


I mean why do we need them? for ppl to know that we go to a school (thats ridiculous)

Another bad thing is having to carry our bags, for me, its like carrying 5 bricks in a bag. ITS SOOO HEAVY (mainly cos i over stuff it) 

and coming back home, i fell like i've lived for a zillion years,

but i cant sleep because i have homework to do next.


One main problem for me- too nerdy to be popular, not nerdy enough to be a nerd


Okay, so school is both good and bad, its where i met most of my friends, its the only to get a diploma- and to get a life- to get a family- to have money. 

school is where most  of your experience comes from. 

without it we would be stupid, have no jobs and not be able to read- we all love reading, its probably one of the reasons you go on wattpad. (home schooling counts as school)

expect the unexpected and have funnn!! 

Because if you dont live it now, you'll miss it later. 

Even a little. 


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