Random facts

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These are facts I rlyyyy wanted to share

-I love you (not you Joe) 

-Flamingos are pink because they eat a specific type of algae and shrimp

- coca cola would be green if food colouring wasnt added :S

-chewing gum is illegal in singapore :O 

- the longest time between a twin being born was 87 days! say wottt

- A billion seconds is 32 years *starts counting* maybe life could go by quicker that way

-  a ducks quack doesnt echo

- I am the bestest person ever and i mean ever because you are delusional and this isnt funny :O

 - penguins give their mate a pebble as a way of proposing awwwe

- simpsons is the longest running tv series #simpsonsforever

 -  Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks. lol

-Otters sleep holding hands awww

- Brocolli is the only vegetable thats also a flower

- if you search "askew" on Google, the page will tilt slightly side ways :)

- There are only two countries that don't sell coke: Cuba and North Korea 

- Daniel Radcliffe (yes, him again) thought Justin Bieber was a girl when he first heard his name. You gotta love him!

- Blue berries can help improve your memory

- Only 2% of the earth are red heads. If you're a red head, good for you!

- Before the 1930s, blue was a colour considered for girls, and pink was a colour for boys. wow. 

- Swag was made by a group of men in the 1960s, it stands for Secretly. We. Are. Gay. 

- If you Google "Zerg rush" Google will eat the search page!.!.!

-A woman called 911 because McDonalds ran out of nuggets. seriously.

- it would take 1000 years to watch all the videos on youtube. Now this is why I have a problem.

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