want me to gush about my headcanons for A.K.? you dont? too bad-

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teenage A.K. that I draw and love (as a son) oh so very much

Name: A.K. or Arcade Kid (never told anyone his real name)

Age: 13 almost 14

Height: 5' 3"
okay I'm changing his height- he's gonna be 5' 5"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Description of what he looks like: a white hoodie that says 'The Bananas Have Been Thrown' with old bloodstains, black fingerless gloves, brown shorts, ASDF hat that has bites taken out of the right side. A strap that holds his AK-47.He got (I have no other way to word this) saucy sangria eyes, freckles, dark brown hair, and kind of pale skin. Has a bandage over some old childhood scar.

Likes: Candy, mainly lollipops, the Red Army, Pat and Pau, his AK-47, being a kid.

Dislikes: Zombies, most people, being forced to talk, when people are lying, change.

General personality: Very quiet, as in he chooses to be mute unless he trusts you. He likes shipping people together. Somewhat innocent. Somewhat. Gets frustrated easily.

Extra details:
He had a single mom and a very dull life until the zombie apocalypse. He always keeps an extra lollipop on him. He knows sign language and sees Pat and Pau as his guardians, but not parents. They are partially why he thinks he's bi. He is part of the Red Army and is a sniper. He joined when he was 11 years old. He gets lazy a lot and never washes the blood off of his clothing from zombies until it's too late and the blood is stained on. He always keeps the AK-47 and his ASDF hat on him.

can I also say that I love him so much- when he comes up in a story or a comic, even as a background character or something, I fucking squeal out loud no joke-
especially when I see an artist I like draw him- hOOOOLLY SHIT I LOVE IT SO MUCH

here- have a page of my sketchbook dedicated to him- and an extra drawing—
also I keep forgetting to draw his bandage and freckles but oH wEll—

here- have a page of my sketchbook dedicated to him- and an extra drawing—also I keep forgetting to draw his bandage and freckles but oH wEll—

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ellsworld version-

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ellsworld version-

you know- I may or may not just post random stories about him here—

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you know- I may or may not just post random stories about him here—

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