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Leif's pov.....

Liam and I just made it to school when I was being called down to the office for some reason. I swear I didn't do it.

"Leif, Mr. Dickerson asked that you wait out here for a moment." ms. Sally said.

"Yes, ma'am." I said taking a seat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Slade asked coming into the office.

"I don't know." I said with a shrug.

"Is my dad still in there?" Slade demanded from Ms. Sally.

"Yes, Mr. Herrington.

"No need to call him that Sally, I'm the only one who gets called that." A deep voice said as the principles door opened.

"Yes, sir." ms. Sally said.

"Slade, you forgot you math book." Mr. Herrington said.

"So." a pissed off Slade said.

"Drop the attitude now." his dad snapped making me shiver.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Slade said taking the book before heading our.

"Lief could you come into the office please." Mr. Herrington asked. Shit I was in deep shit now.

"Yes, sir." I said standing an walking into the office. Mr. Dickerson wasn't even in there.

"Have a seat." mr. Herrington said.

"Okay." i said doing so.

"In a little under a month you will be graduating and turning 18. For the last seventeen years you have lived in the orphanage and will be forced to move on your birthday. Liam will be aloud to stay but I know you will not allow that. I'm sure you are qualified to take care of him and I will be the first to tell anyone who says otherwise. The reason I have come to talk to you is because of your parents will. I have it and think you should know what is in it. I was granted your benefactor when it comes to the will. Now before you ask I don't know what happened to your parents so to speak. All I know is that your mom was sick her whole pregnancy and your dad wasn't handling everything all that well. I will tell you where they are buried later if you want." He said. I was shocked, sick and pissed.

"You mean you've know my parents this whole time?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"Your dad was my best friends growing up. We drifted apart when I left for private school and when I came back he had moved and gotten married. We saw each other once in a while. But not like we had when we was younger. I missed him. Hell I still do. Gary was a great guy and your mom Bobby was very beautiful. You have her black hair but his gray eyes." He said caught up in his memories. Gary and Bobby. My parents. Her hair his eyes. He killed himself after she died. After we was born.

"How did we end up here?" I asked my voice tight as my words worked around the lump in my throat.

"I got a call about three in the morning for your dad asking me to come by as soon as I could. So I freaked out because it was three in the morning and Gary was calling. Your mom had passed away about a week before and he sounded crazy. I got there and you was screaming while Liam laid there whimpering. Your dad was gone. I'll save you the details on how but I brought you two here and have you to ms. Long then took care of your dads funeral. That is how I got the will. And all of the information on you and Liam." He said looking out the window. His voice was just above a whisper and he had tears in his eyes. He must of loved my dad.

"So why tell me now and not when we turn 18." I asked.

"Because you have been working yourself like crazy and I want you to take some time off. I'm not firing you or anything but I want you to enjoy your life a little." He said looking at me.

"You know I can't do that. I have to save money for Liam and I's future and to put a roof over our heads. Liam only makes so much money as it is." I said.

"You have a home. You have your parents home. It's about five miles out of town and you own it the minute you turn 18. It's not the place your parents died so don't think like that. They had rented a house close to the hospital your mom was in. You have money lots of it. You dad came from a really wealthy family and they money he had has been in the bank collecting interest for all this time. I'm also having a word with Ms. Long about Liam's check. That was supposed to go into an account for him. She isn't running that place well at all." He said shaking his head.

"When we go I want to take a couple of the kids with me." I said.

"Who?" He asked.

"Ally, fisher, Franky and Jace." I said.

"Why them?" he asked.

"Out of all the people in this town those four beside Ms. Cindy and Clover have treated Liam and I like we we belong. Like we matter and like we belong. They don't get treated half as good as the other kids and sometimes do twice as much. I don't want to leave them." I said.

"I'll see what I can do." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Would you like for me to take you to see your new home. I hope you don't mind I've had a crew go over and clean it up, air it out and fix all the stuff that might have fallen apart over the years. I mow the grass at least twice a week and my wife tends to the garden." He said. Wow he worked on my yard. So weird.

"Yes, please. But what about liam? I don't like to leave him." I said.

"My son Kingston is here keeping and eye on him." He said making butterflies swarm in my belly at the mere mention of Kingston.

"Okay but I'd like to be back before he's done with school." I said.

"We will." he said smiling and getting up. "Oh and Lief I'm sorry you and Liam don't feel welcome here it was never my intention to have you two feel like outcast. My wife and I would have taken the two of you in but we just couldn't at the time." He said as we headed for his car.

"I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for how I was raised. I don't regret my childhood. I wish I would have had a normal one but why is normal anymore?" I asked as we got into his giant SUV. I shivered as I felt eyes on me. I looked around and didn't see anything. Creepy.

It took a good twenty minutes to pull up into the drive of my dream house. The one I told Liam I wanted. Apparently it was my moms dream house as well.

It was a soft green color two story house with a wrap around porch and a tire swing attached to one of the near by trees. A porch swing hung by the front door and the American flag waved in the breeze from the pole surrounded by beautiful flowers. There was a giant jungle gym in the back yard along with a in ground pool with a slide and diving board. There was a fence all the around the back yard. Inside was open. The kitchen over looked the back yard while the living room over looked the front. The dining room was in the middle with a huge table. Up stairs was five bedrooms and three bathrooms. That made six bedrooms and five bathrooms all together. This place was huge. The kitchen was my favorite. All granite counters and loads of cabinets. Another plus was no carpeting. The whole place had lots and lots of windows so a lot of natural lights flowed in. It was beautiful. I found a picture of the people I'm assuming are our parents and my mom was beautiful and my dad was tall and handsome with a good build on him.

"So what do you think?" mr. Herrington asked.

"I love it." I said.

"I figured you would." He said laughing.

"How much property is there?" I asked.

"You own from here to our town lines. So about five miles to the west and then about two miles both east and south. Like I said your dad was loaded. He hated neighbors and this place defiantly won't have any." He said laughing.

"Good I like the sound of that as well." I said.

"Come on I want to take you by the bank and get your name on the account with their or your money in it. We can do the same with Liam's later." He said heading for the door.

"Okay." I said.

This day has just been to much for me. I fell asleep before we even crossed into our county. My body and mind just shut down.

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