Lief's POV........
"Just because you have friends now does not mean you are going to be running the roofs every night. You have responsibilities here." Ms. Long snapped. She was mad. Cruz had just left after asking me if he could take Liam out and after a quick sign talk with Liam he agreed to go. He really like, liked Cruz. I was do happy for him.
"I'll call Kingston and tell him I can't go." I said flatly.
"I thought you was going with Cruz? I will not have a whor.......she was cut off quickly.
"Watch what you say Maureen." A voice said.
"Mr. Herrington." Ms. Long said.
"Lief go get ready for your date with my son. I have some paperwork to talk over with Ms. Long." Mr. Herrington said not taking his eyes off a scared looking Ms. Long.
"Yes, sir." I said getting up to leave.
"Oh and Lief I think you and the kids and Liam might be staying at The Cave until you turn 18 so tomorrow start packing. All of you." mr. Herrington said.
"But, sir....
"No buts." he snapped before closing the door. Well shit.
"Franky, fisher, ally and Jace come to my room please." I said to the living room. I took out my phone and told Clover she could pick up Carter tomorrow at The Cave. I would pack for him.
"What's up?" Liam asked once we was in our room with the kids.
"Okay so Liam and I was leaving next month because we turned 18 but things have changed and we are leaving tomorrow. And we are taking the four of you with us." I said.
"Tomorrow?" Liam asked.
"We get to come?" fisher asked.
"For how long?" Franky asked.
"Can I get a pony?" ally asked.
"Why?" Jace asked.
"We are adopting you. well I am. We have a house and everything but we have to stay at The Cave until Liam and I turn 18." I explained.
"So can I have a pony?" ally asked.
"Maybe." Liam said.
"So for good?" Franky asked.
"Yes for good. Tonight while Liam and I are gone I want you four to start packing we leave first thing in the morning. But do not take anything that doesn't belong to you and leave the clothes unless you really like something." I said.
"I think we should do this with out Ms. Long seeing us." Jace said.
"Maybe a good idea. Mr. Herrington is downstairs talking with her now so she might be in a foul mood and I'm sorry for leaving you guys for a whole tonight and I promise that we will be back by 11. Tomorrow night we will have a movie night at the hotel." I said causing the kids and Liam to cheer.
"I have to go get ready, Cruz will be here soon." Liam said looking happy and he was glowing awe so cute.
"Same here guys Kingston will be here soon. Why don't you get busy on that task I set for you guys while she's busy with Mr. Herrington." I said to the kids.
"Okay, thanks." Jace said.
"Anytime, bud. oh hey Jace can you do me a favor and pack up Carter's things? he's going to live with Clover and Annalise." I said.
"Sure thing. He doesn't have much but I can fit it all in." he said smiling.
I jumped in the shower after Liam and we dressed quickly. Him in blue jeans and a gray shirt and me in gray jeans and a blue shirt. Both of us had on our ratted out vans and we did our hair the same. I sprayed us both with some body spray before we headed downstairs.
"If you need me text me." I said.
"Same to you." he said smiling.
"So does this make you gay?" I asked.
"No this means Cruz is my mate and I'm gay for him." He said smirking.
"Very smart. I'm glad you figured it out. So you know Kingston is my mate we can both become wolves or stay human. What do you want?" I asked.
"I will not do anything unless we do it together. We are identical twins and I want to stay that way." he said.
"You might get your hearing back." I said.
"Maybe, maybe not either way I'm okay with it. I have lived like this for almost 18 years and I'm okay with it." He said and signed.
"I would love to know what it's like to be a wolf." I said smiling.
"Me too, but I like being human." He said.
"True. We will think about this for awhile before we decide." I said smiling at him.
We sat out on the porch for a few more minutes before I heard the first car coming down the road. Cruz had a simple small car that didn't seem to fit his huge frame. Liam laughed and the big guy getting out of the little car.
"Hey lief, liam." Cruz said looking nervous.
"Hey." Liam and I both said.
"You ready?" he asked Liam.
"Yeah. be good and no nookie on the first date." Liam said to me before heading down the sidewalk to Cruz and his car. I started laughing.
"Hey same goes for you." I yelled and chuckled he flipped me off before getting in the car. That made me laugh harder.
I still had a little bit before Kingston showed up so I sat back and relaxed.

The Wolf's Cave
WerewolfLeif Austin Jones and his twin brother Liam Texas Jones were left on the door step of a local orphanage seventeen years ago. Little did they know they were left in the middle of Harrington pack territory. The only two humans to ever live in the litt...