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Lief's POV............

I woke up at six and started to take boxes down to the porch. Liam and I stayed up late last night packing and talking about our dates. Cruz asked him out as well and he will be helping today. They also talked about the whole mating and becoming a wolf. To my surprise Liam was excited about all of it. They talked about building a house by ours and he couldn't wait to help lead the pack as beta mate.

"Leelee, I is hungry." Ally said as she came into our room rubbing her eyes.

"We will eat once we get to the new place." I said looking in one of my boxes and I pulled out a package of pop tarts. I opened it and handed her half.

"Tanks." She said.

"Welcome." I said.

"Crus and Kingston are here." Jace said coming into the room carrying a small box.

"Thanks. Is that the last of your and ally's things?" I asked.

"Yep, ms. Long went through every bag she tried to take that doll you bought ally but Liam stopped her." Jace said.

"Doesn't surprise me. Find Franky and fisher and make sure their done. I have these three boxes left and we'll be on our way." I said helping ally out the door before picking up one of my boxes.

Ally and I headed down the stairs and out the door. I set the box down and made sure ally was out of the way before heading back up to get the other two boxes.

"Lee, I can't find my blanky." fisher said almost in tears.

"Where and when did you have it last?" I asked.

"This morning when I woke up and I took it downstairs to get a drink. I set it down and now I can't find it.

"Okay I'll help you." I said.

I carried the two boxes down stairs with a sniffling fisher behind me. I set the boxes down and looked around. I smiled at how well everyone was working.

"Have you seen Fishers blanket?" I asked.

"Kitchen." Liam and Jace said.

"Thanks." I said turning to head back in.

I walked in to the kitchen were Ms. Long was watching out the window. She looked pissed.

"Have you seen Fishers blanket, ma'am?" I asked.

"Not mine to watch." she snapped.

"Where did you place it, buddy?" I asked.

"Right here, lee." he said pointing to an empty table.

"Go check the laundry room maybe Peter put it in there." I said.

"It's not in there." ms. Long snapped. I heard the door open behind me and ms. Long stiffen.

"Where is the blanket?" Kingston asked.

"In the cabinet under the sink." ms. Long said.

"Why are you acting like a two year old?" I asked shaking my head as I got the blanket.

"Watch who your talking to boy." she snapped.

"Watch who your talking to. That boy just happens to be my mate so he will be your Alpha soon." Kingston snapped. Her head snapped up an she sneered at me.

"Thank you for everything Ms. Long. You too decent care of Liam and I and my now kids. Thank you." I said before take. Fishers hand and walking him out the door.

"That was really nice of you, babe." Kingston said.

"She raised us and we turned out okay, we never starved or went with out the norm needs of any human. Clothes, food and shelter." I said.

We had made it to my car and ally and Franky were in the back in car seats. I had two more kids and no room.

"Jace your up front, Liam ride with Kingston and Cruz." I said picking fisher up and putting him in his seat.

"Yes, sir." Liam and Jace said. I chuckled. I thought I heard Cruz say something like he'll make a good Alpha' or something like that."

I started the car and followed Kingston to the hotel. We went in to a private parking garage and into parking spaces labeled 'Herrington Family Only'. I would have to move my car later.

"I have some helpers coming to help take all of this up to your suite. If you want we can head up now." Kingston said.

"Sure but everyone grab a box or bag." I said taking one that I knew was heavy. I didn't want someone getting hurt carrying our things.

Once everyone had a box or bag we headed for the giant elevator and up to the 23rd floor.

Once up in the suite I was amazed. The place was beautiful. Floor to ceiling windows. A full kitchen four bedrooms three bathrooms. All of it was decorated in soft colors and furniture.

I quickly assigned rooms. Ally and Jace in one room, Fisher and Franky in another and for the first time ever Liam and I had separate rooms. I have a feeling Cruz would be crashing a lot so I figured they would want their privacy.

"Okay guys unpack the essentials this place is only temporary so clothes and some toys. Put the boxes that will stay full in a corner of your rooms, please.

"Before you guys go, Lief and Liam have some things to do before they are finished. This is Sara and she is going to help you guys unpack and get settled in." Kingston said introducing a girl I went to school with.

"You guys be good for Sara and if you are and do as she says and get your stuff done we might go to the park across the street tomorrow." I said.

"We have school." Jace said.

"After school and homework." I said smiling at him.

"Cool." fisher said.

"Let's go." Franky said.

"Help." jay." ally said pulling Jace towards their room.

"Thanks it won't take long, I promise." I said to Sara.

"Take your time I'm here until your done." she said.

"We'll ride down with you to the parking garage." Kingston said.

"Thanks." I said.

We rode the elevator down to the garage. Kingston handed me and Liam key cards and the code to uses the elevator. He also gave me a card to scan when we drive into the garage.

"Thanks. Please make sure to thank you dad for me and Liam and the kids." I said before kissing him.

"I will." he said walking me to my car.

"Dinner tonight our place I'll cook. You guys can get to know the kids." I said.

"Six sound good?" he asked.

"Perfect." I said smiling at him.

"Come on I have a lot to do." Liam whined.

"Yeah, yeah." I said giving Kingston a quick peck before starting my car. "Be nice to your brother and friend." I reminded him.

"I will." he said smiling.

I pulled out of the parking spot and headed towards the exit. I had a lot to do and not a lot of time.

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