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Lief's POV.

Liam and I spend the whole day at the beach swimming. Clover has a girlfriend she wanted to spend the day with if you know what I mean. I think she found her mate. I'm happy for her even though I can't come out and say it. Annalise is a sweet girl that works in the bakery at the hotel.

"You work tomorrow?" Liam asked as we packed up our stuff. Slade and his douches just showed and I didn't feel like dealing with their dumb shit.

"Yes, but we don't have school until Wednesday due to the mayors aka the Alpha's son coming home so if you want I can take you to skate world and you can hang there while I work the day shift." I said smiling at the smile that just appeared on his face. He loves to skate board so going to skate world is one of the things he loves most. I text Clover to see if she was busy tomorrow and Tuesday. I knew she would have to go to the ball or dinner but I would be off work by then. She text me back and sis her and her girl would hang with Liam tomorrow. I felt better and thanked her.

"Come on dinners on me tonight." I said starting my car and headed for Hogan's.

We ate a quick burger and then went back to the orphanage. Liam and I both did our chores and headed to our rooms.

"Lief I need a word." ms. Long said from our door.

"I'll be back." I signed.

"Tomorrow and Tuesday I am taking the other kids to a adopting camp so you and Liam will need to fend for yourselves." She said as I stood in her door way to her office.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"I expect the house to be clean and the lawn mowed while we are gone." she snapped before waving her hand at me dismissing me.

"Yes, ma'am." I said before heading back up to our room to set my alarm. I would do the lawn and house cleaning before work at nine. So if I got up at six I could have it all done.

"I'll help you." Liam said coming in behind me. I didn't even know he was there or that he followed us down. I should have figured he did. He always does when she called me into her office.

"Thanks, bro." I said laying on my bed. It was only seven and I was beat. He can in grabbed his WiiU and went to his bed. Yes I got him a game Ms. Long thinks Ma. Cindy and Clover got it for him so she hasn't taken it away, yet.

I woke up to my alarm. I must had fallen asleep after my meeting with Ms. Long. I hurried down stairs and started the lawn. Jace one of the younger kids came out and picked up all the younger kids toys. He was about nine and has been here for about that many years.

"Thanks, bud." I said once I was done and back in the house cleaning up the kitchen.

"Lee, drink." Ally begged.

"You got it cutie." I said making her giggle. She was two and was here with her twin brothers Fisher and Franky. They were four. They have been here since Ally was a baby.

"Living room, dinning room and all bathrooms are clean." Liam said coming in with the twins.

"Thanks. You guys pick up your rooms for me, okay." I said to all of them. There was about fifteen kids in all that lived here. They all nodded their heads before heading off to do as I asked.

"The house and yard are done, I see." ms. Long said.

"Yes, ma'am, I need to study for a test and wanted to get my chores done early. I'm taken Liam to the skate park while I study." I said as Liam came down with his board and gear.

"Very well, fend for yourselves for dinner." she said before yelling for the kids to get ready.

"Come on." I said pulling Liam out the door and to my car I ha twenty minutes to get Liam to the skate park and myself to work.

What time do you get off?" he asked as we drove to the skate park.

"I get off at 5 so I should be here about 10 after to get you. Here is forty dollars for food an drinks and take your cellphone with you. I'll text you on my breaks." I said handing him the money.

"My friends are coming. Wes and Scott." He said. I'm so glad he's go friends to skate with.

"Cool, the party starts at five so you will only be alone for about fifteen minutes tops." I said coming to a stop.

"I'm good." he said getting out with his gear and board.

"See ya tonight, love." I said.

"Love." He said with a wave once the door was shut.

I drove back towards work stopping for gas and a donut. im changed before heading into work. The parking lot was packed good think it wasn't stay overs.

"Jones, towels until noon then press and washers. Your soloing it from noon to five." Ms. Plea said with a smirk. Nothing new for me. I've done it so many times when they have pack meetings.

"Yes, ma'am." I said heading over to get a bucket of clean towels so I could run them through the folder.

I had folded 547 towels before my first break. My goal was 1265. I had an hour to do the rest. I might not reach that goal.

*Hey bro, it's my break time.* I text Liam

*same here. Having a hot dog.* he text back.

*It's warm out so drink lots of water* me

*got it* Liam

*heading back. Text you in a couple hours* me.

*Late* Liam

I went back early and got started on my towels. I reached my goal but it was close. 1269 towels. I moved over to washers once everyone left. I unloaded and loaded them after taking my numbers down. Once they were all up and running I headed for the presser.

*hows it going it's my lunch break. Turkey wrap and water. How about you?* me

"Chips, burger and fries with a coke* Liam

"Junk food* me

*yep* Liam

*ur friends make it* me.

*yeh, I've learned a new trick or two. You'll have to see it* Liam.

*show me when I pick you up* me

"K, done with lunch going back to skate. love* Liam

"Love* me

This place was empty. I could

Eat anywhere and not get yelled at or in trouble so I took my food back to the laundry and sat on the table.

When all the washers stopped I got back to work. I was tired an ready to go home. After my last break I loaded all the washers with stained stuff and worked solely on the presser. I had washed 20 loads of laundry and didn't have a goal on them to meet so I felt good about it.

I changed before clicking out and heading to my car. As I opened the door to head out I bumped into someone feeling like I had been electrocuted.

"Watch it." the ass said.

"Sorry, sir." I said raising both hands. I swear I heard him say 'no fucking way, not happening and reject' in a quick mumble. For some reason that bothered me as he slowly backed his sexy ass away and ran down the hall. Oh well I have shit to do and no time or this shit.

I ran to my car and headed for the skate park. Liam was doing some tricks when I got there. He was doing awesome and he amazed me. I sat down and watched him for a bit before he noticed me.

"You look good out there bub. Come on pack it up its time to go. I have to cook dinner yet and I so need a shower." I said as he hurried to do as I asked.

"Mac and cheese, please." he said giving me his pouty face.

"Mac and cheese with beanie weenies?" I asked.

"Yes, please." He said now running to the car. I ran behind him.

It will be nice I have the house to our selves.

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