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Kingston's POV........

When I opened my eyes I held my breath and prayed to the moon Goddess that I was alone. When I heard the sound of another heart beat I froze. With a quick sniff of the air I relaxed. Cruz was in the suite with me. Thank you Moon Goddess.

I got up and showered before calling down for a meaty breakfast for Cruz and I before heading for the in suite gym.

"Your already built like a brick shit house so take a day off." Cruz said entering the gym.

"No can do." I grunted out as I lifted the heavy weight.

"Breakfast arrived." He said chewing on a sausage.

"I'm just about done." I told him.

"Take your time more food for me." He said heading back into the living room. I growled letting him know my wolf didn't approve.

"Kingston I née you and Cruz at the high school." Dad said through mind link.

"Okay is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No just be there in an hour and I'll explain." He said.

"Did you hear that?" I asked not knowing if Cruz was let in on the mind link.

"Yeah were going back to high school." Cruz yelled in a school girl voice. Crazy bastard.

"Shut up dip shit." I said chuckling. I rinsed off and dressed in light jeans and a white t-shirt.

After saving enough food from Cruz to tide me over until lunch in an hour we headed out to meet my dad.

I parked my truck next to my dads and headed for Mr. Dickerson's office.

"Mr. Herrington, your father is waiting for you." Ms. Sally said.

"Thank you." I said heading for the closed door.

"I'll wait out here." Cruz said standing guard.

"Okay, I'll call you if he wants you in here." I said opening the door.

"King, have a seat." Dad said while on the phone.

"Okay." I whispered.

"So I called you down here so you can keep an eye on Liam Jones for me. I'm going to be talking to Leif about his parents and about their will." Dad said holding a folder up.

"Okay does Cruz know who he is?" I asked.

"Yeah he looks just like his brother only some people can tell them apart if they don't speak. But if they are both using sign language then your screwed unless you know how to uses sign as well." Dad said laughing.

"Whose deaf?" I asked worried it was my mate.

"Liam isn't deaf he just has a hearing problem. He's had a few surgeries to try and fix it but nothing helped. Leif taught himself and Liam how to sign. Lief if highly protective over Liam so I need you here to reassure him that Liam will be okay. I have to take him over into Boarder town to where him and Liam's house is." He dad pissing my wolf off with that last bit.

"We own Boarder town don't we?" I asked.

"Only the first mile in. Lief accurately owns that but Gary his dad and I have a contract giving us full control of the first mile. They own eight miles out and two mile wide. I'm only telling him about the five on the west side. He won't be alive for the remaining eighty years." Dad said with a frown.

"Was his dad wolf? I don't smell wolf on either of them." I said.

"No. Gary and his family founded our town the actually still own it. We just have a agreement that we will protect them for the rest of their blood line and we run the town." Dad said.

"An if one of them is the mate to one of us that means their blood line might join our line what happens then?" I asked trying not to lead him to think anything.

"Well then they will have the right to know of the agreement and if their mates are not of Alpha blood they could try and take our titles." He said with a frown.

"I don't think they would do anything like that." I said kind of relieved that I'm Lief's mate.

"Me either. I had Sally look up Liam's schedule and he's got art next hour with Keifer March , he will let you and Cruz sit in as models. But you need to get down there. If you pass your brother he needs to come get his math book could you please tell him." Dad said basically dismissing me.

"I'll tell him." I said heading for the door.

"So what's up?" Cruz asked.

"Babysitting Liam Jones." I said headed down the hall towards the art department.

"Who?" Cruz asked.

"One of the humans." I whispered.

"Oh okay." He said shrugging.

"Slater." I yelled as my brother came out of the bathroom.

"Hey man, what you doing here?" I asked.

"Favor for the old man." I said smirking.

"He's here?" my brother asked sweating bullets.

"Yep and wants you in Dickerson's office now." I said hiding my laughter as he pales.

"Shit, okay." he said before taking off running.

"He's not in trouble is he?" Cruz asked with a smirk.

"Forgot his math book." I said laughing.

"Your a dick." he said laughing. That's part of his pay back for the whole Hogan's thing." I said laughing as my friend stopped and face palmed.

"This is the class, oh and by he way we get to be male models. We have to stripe for these guys and stand while they draw us." I said as I opened the door.

"I not getting naked for a bunch of high schoolers." Cruz yelled.

"That's good to know, I think you would go to jail if you did. Not that I would mind." A voice said at the front of the class room.

"Keifer march?" I asked laughing.

"That's me, you must be Alpha to be Kingston and Beta to be Cruz." He said smiling.

"That's us." I said as Cruz said and pouted.

"I think you would make a good thinking man and you would make an awesome Apollo." Keifer said giving us a long look.

"Cool." I said smiling.

"Tell me that again in an hour." He said smirking.

I didn't like the sound of that but as he explained that I would be holding bow for most of the hour and standing in attack position. It sounded boring and like I would get tired if staying the same way for that whole time.

"Isn't the thinking man naked?" Cruz asked.

"Yes he is but you will stay in these shorts and this tank top. You can change in the closet over there." Keifer said with a smile and a wink while looking at Cruz. Someone has a crush on my best friend.

The bell rang while Cruz changed but we managed to both be sitting in the stools that Keifer provided for us. As soon as Liam walked in I knew Cruz must of too because he froze once he seen him.

Mr. March went in to explain why we was there and what they ha to so before positioning us the way he wanted us. Thankfully he just had me standing there ready to pull the bow back. Liam looked hard at work but I swear the kids behind him were talking shit about him. Cruz kept growling every time one of them would get close to him. He really takes his job seriously.

When the class was over Liam had gym and they was outside so Cruz and I stood out by the track field and watched Liam run. He was quick for a human.

I smelled my mate as soon as he walked our with my dad. I watched him follow behind before getting in his truck. He turned but thankfully didn't see me. Liam however saw them and left the track field to chase them but Cruz stopped him. He was pissed but some how Cruz calmed him.

The rest of the time was spent standing by while Cruz talked with Liam and walked him to his next class. We waited outside it and continued this until dad called me to come help him. Cruz promised to stay with Liam while I helped dad.

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