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Lief's POV..........

I decided to make homemade stroganoff. Ms. Cindy taught me to cook and I enjoy doing it. The kids like it and Liam loves it.

"Leelee I is hungry." ally said.

"When Kingston and Cruz get here we will eat. Why don't you go tell everyone to wash up they should be here any minute. Oh and tell them I need some one to set the table." I said before she ran out of the kitchen an towards the rooms.

Jace, Liam and fisher came to set the table while Franky helped ally wash up. My kids work well together.

There was a knock at the door and ally took off running for it. Liam took off right behind her. We would have to work on that. She can be just letting people in.

"Ally bear let Liam answer the door." I said wiping my hands.

"It's King and Cruz." she yelled.

"Sorry we're early." Kingston said.

"It's fine I was just finishing up." I said smiling as he walked closer to me. I just wanted to snuggle into his big chest.

"You have a little flour on your nose." he whispered as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Shit, I need to shower and change really quick. Make your selves at home I'll be right back." I said running into the huge room that was declared mine. I found some black skinnies and yellow tee and my favorite rainbow socks before heading for the shower. I made quick work in the shower I call heaven and then did the same dressing and running a comb through my hair. Awe much better. Squeaky clean and smelling like vanilla.

"I love your socks." Cruz said almost squealing.

"Thanks they are my favorite." I said holding my foot up and wiggling my toes. Kingston laughed as well as the kids whom all seem to be playing with something new.

"Are you spoiling my kids?" I asked walking up to a shocked looking Kingston.

"Um....well I guess maybe just a little but just remember once my mom see them your going to think this is child's play. She knows about them and already thinks of them like her grand kids. She demanded I bring her to see them earlier." He said making me laugh.

"Oh boy I've lost my kids." I said shaking my head and fake sniffling.

"Yes, yes you have." He said fake wiping tears off my dry face.

"You hungry?" I whispered.

"In more ways then one. But one of those ways can wait my belly says feed me now." he said making me laugh.

"Dinner." I yelled after covering Kingston's ears. I smiled at him and walked away.

"Thanks for protecting my ears, babe." he said making me shiver at the nickname.

"Anytime." I said picking up the pot with the food and carried it to the table. Kingston grabbed the salad and bread sticks.

We all sat around the table eating, talking and enjoying the feel of family. It was nice and relaxing and I loved every minute of it.

Once dinner was done I assigned chores. Liam and Cruz was to help with bath time, Jace and Franky cleared the table while fisher wiped everything down. Kingston and I were on dish duty and I was happy to see no left overs to put away.

"Brush your teeth, get your book bags ready and set out your school clothes for tomorrow. Liam make sure you set their alarms." I said before settling down on the couch with Kingston.

"So how do you feel?" Kingston asked.

"Tired, free and great." I said with a sigh.

"You look tired and great. You've always been free." He said as I snuggled into him. He was warm and comfortable.

We started watching Pearl Harbor. I really love this movie. Liam and Cruz joined us once the kids we in bed. I don't remember anything after that.

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