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Kingston's POV.......

"I've got Liam." Cruz's voice said in my head.

"Thanks man." I said starting my truck. I was waiting a couple blocks away. I had to calm my wolf after what my dad said he walked into today at the orphanage. I was glad my mate and his little family would be staying one floor below me in the visiting Alpha's suite.

I pulled up to the house and seen my mate kick back and relaxing. So sexy and confident. I like him more and more. I think I understand what the Goddess was thinking when she mated us. This is a year for change and awareness. And my mate will be it's voice.

"Hey." I said walking up to Lief still relaxing.

"Hey." he said in a sleepy voice. Or should I say sexy voice.

"Ready?" he asked as the door opened and a little girl came out. She was cute as hell and had the brightest red curly hair I'd ever seen.

"Yeah." he said as the red head launched herself at him.

"Leelee whose this?" she asked.

"This is my friend Kingston Herrington, ally bear." He said standing while holding the cutie.

"Are you my Leelee's boyfriend?" she asked making Lief choke and me chuckle.

"I hope to be soon." I said smiling at her.

"Cool he needs to have fun. My Jacey said so." she said.

"And who is this jacey?" I asked.

"He is my new brother just like Franky and fisher." She said smiling.

"I'll explain later." Lief said laughing.

"Good." I said before turning back to the cutie.

"Is it time for you to go?" she asked us.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"Time for ally bear to go in and eat." Lief said tickling her belly.

"Okay, okay I is going stop Leelee please." She giggled.

"Okay go in and be good." He told her kissing her forehead.

"You be good too." she said laughing.

We watched as she went in the house and waved before shutting the door. I grabbed Lief's hand and lead him to my truck.

"So where we going?" he asked.

"I was going to do the whole dinner and a movie thing but it's so I thought maybe we could go for a hike, I'll show you my wolf and then dinner at Sonic." I said.

"I'd like to see your wolf and a hike sounds awesome. Sonic not so much. How about Alice's Drive-in and you have yourself a deal." He said snugly.

"Your using me for her root beer floats." I said fake pouting.

"Unfortunately not but I'd give birth to a porcupine with its quills out for one of those famous root beer floats." He said making us both cringed at the porcupine thing.

"I will not have you go through the pain." I said laughing.

"Thank you." he said giggling. So cute.

"So miss. Fiery red haired Ally." I said opening it up for him to tell me.

"She has been my baby since she was dropped off. So has Franky and fisher. Jace is different. He's a lost soul. I'm hoping he finds his other half because he needs them. those four get treated different then the rest. So I decided I was taking them with me. I don't have to be their dad just their big brother. They need someone to love them. All of those kids do. Carter is going to Clover. Jean and Daniel are getting adopted. That will leave Simon and Victor who have had a lot of people asking for them and Peter who is almost 18 but Ms. Long's favorite and Avery and Melissa who are babies." He said.

"The babies why not take them?" I asked.

"They have a chance to grow up with a wolf family babies normally don't last long. So I figured I would take the four that have always treated me and Liam right." He said.

"Sounds noble." I said proud to have him as my mate.

"Not noble, logical." He said laughing as I pulled over.

"So I thought we would hike up to lovers point and then I would shift so you could see my wolf." I said cringing slightly at the name of the small cliff.

"Lovers point, nice." He said laughing as I chuckled nervously.

"Sorry about the name we could change it." I said.

"No way, come on lover." he said heading out of the truck. My wolf loved being called his lover.

We walked an played twenty questions. I now know his favorite color is green, he loves to read and war movies are his favorite movies. He wants to be a vet and has applied to be Dr. Adams apprentice. I'll have to make that happen. I sent a quick message to dad and he was taking care of it. He told me he was buying a mini van once he had his money and he was building Clover a house close to his and building a skate park for Liam. He said Cruz and I would have to move in with him because he wanted to live in his house. He wanted to feel closer to his parents. I understood that and could see it working. Might have to build a house for Liam and Cruz but yeah it could happen.

"Oh wow this is nice." he said once we reached the top of Lovers point. It was a good view of the town and the lake.

"Nice isn't it." I said coming up behind him. I stood behind him not sure on whether it would be okay to hold him from behind. When he leaned into me I wrapped my arms around him.

"Yeah really nice." he said with a sigh.

We stood there for awhile but then he decided it was time to see my wolf. My wolf was ready to meet his mate. Well hopefully one half of his mate. I went into the woods and striped out of my clothes and quickly shifted in to my black and gray wolf. His eyes

Light up when he saw me and that made me happy.

"Don't you look handsome. I could cuddle you all night long." He said making me bark and nod my head like a dumb ass. I rolled over and showed him my belly a rare thing for an Alpha to do and they only do it to their mates. Your mate is your equal not beneath you.

"Okay go change back I'm hungry." he said laughing.

I ran back to my clothes and shifted and dressed before joining him back at the cliff.

"Your a beautiful wolf." he said hugging me.

"Thank you." I said leaning down for a quick kiss. His lips were soft and just right.

"Come on I'm hungry." he said in a husky voice making my jeans tight.

"Me too." I said following him.

We held hands all the way back to my truck. He talked more about the kids and why he loved them and what he wanted for them. I am happy he had them and couldn't wait to help him see that they were worth loving. Once in the truck we headed for Alice's.

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