A\N: remember the fun facts you received let's find out why I gave you the fun facts shall we? More fun and surprises.
Lief's pov........
Today we said good bye to Sara and her family as they left with Lincoln. It was both sad and happy.
"I have to go to a meeting. Mom is taking the kids to the park so you have the next couple hours to do as you please." Kingston said.
"I am going to go home and start painting our room the purple has to go." I said laughing.
"The red will look nice." he said smiling at me before kissing my lips.
"Gross get a room." Slade said laughing.
"Hey have you went to see Ms. Long yet. Melissa and Avery are good kids." I said. We have been getting along pretty good lately.
"Asher and I are going over here in a bit." He said bumping fist with his brother.
"Good luck, and I will see you later." I said.
"Not if I see you first." Kingston said.
"Thanks, I'll let you know." Slade said as I walked out.
I shifted and collected my clothes before running home. I was getting good at this. I was home in no time.
I changed and strolled into the house. I had a quick bite before heading for the garage to get the paint. I had spent all night taping and covering ever square inch of our room so I could paint. This lilac purple was killing my manly eyes.
I had half the room painted when the doorbell rang. It was time for a break anyways. I looked like I cut myself and let myself bleed all over me.
"Coming." I yelled pulling my gloves off and grabbing a rag.
I ran down the stairs and looked through the peep hole. Nothing. I looked in the drive. Nothing. Back door, patio door and all windows. Nothing. I was getting ready to head upstairs when I hear a faint whimper at the front door. I ran and flung open the door. Nothing. But when I was getting ready to shit the door I saw it. A box with something moving inside.
I carried the box carefully to the couch and peeked inside. It was a baby. A baby boy from all the blue I was seeing or I hope any ways. I guess it could be a girl.
"Hey little one, come here." I said lifting him or her out of the box. I peeked and yep we have a boy.
He was newly born like days I'm thinking. I laid him next to me on the couch and started to go through the box. Bingo a note.
'Dear Kingston and Mate,
This is Kingston's son. I did something bad and in the result are in the box. Your son. I wanted more then anything to be your mate. I have loved you or I had loved you for years. Like kindergarden long. I drugged you and we slept together you forced me to see what I did was wrong. I so very sorry. With the help of some friends I'm moving on to another pack to hopefully find my mate. I want what you and Lief have. But I could not and would not deny this pack or you your heir. Princeton is all yours I sign off all rights. He is now all yours. It's the least I could do for all the troubles I have caused you. In the box you will find a months worth of milk, the papers making him and Lief's all yours and proof he is yours. I'm so sorry and please forgive me.
Wow just wow, well I think I need to get ahold of Kingston and Gerald. This is amazing, sad and shocking.
"Babe, could you call Gerald and come home please. Oh and stop and buy some new born diapers, wipes, powder and a bottle." I said gathering the bags of milk and the baby.
"Okay but why all the stuff?" he asked.
"I'll explain when you get here." I said.
He was dressed in only pajamas with no other clothes. No nothing but milk and blanket and a note.
"Well little guy, I don't know where to begin with this. This paper work says you was born two days ago. Happy birthday little guy. And that your mommy names you Princeton Bartholomew Herrington. You poor baby. I'm going to see about changing that.
He fell asleep in my arms so I laid him down on floor and covered him with one of his dads shirts. He snuggled in. I felt horrible laying him on the floor but I didn't want to put him on the couch. Ms. Long did that and most of the kids fell off. I don't want to see that happen. My wolf and I already consider him ours.
"Okay so what is so important I dragged Gerald here away from his family?" Kingston came in smiling. I handed him the note an Gerald the legal papers.
"Wow, where is he?" Kingston asked. I pointed to the living room and watched as he walked into his son.
"Well this all looks legal and I don't see any way for anyone to come in and take the baby or anything." Gerald said.
"So he's mine too, right." I asked.
"Yes, it says so right here." he said showing me the papers.
"Okay, thanks." I said.
"Is there anything else?" he asked.
"Name change?" I asked.
"Free until he's two." Gerald said chucking.
Thanks we will come up with something and get back to you so you can make it legal." I said.
"My pleasure." He said.
"Thank you, do you need a ride?" I asked.
"Nope I need a good healthy run." he said heading for the back door.
"Why would she name him that?" Kingston asked.
"I thought about that. Kingston and his little Princeton. But the middle name, you've for me." I said laughing softly.
"I kind of like Princeton. Maybe a middle name. Babe, why does it look like you killed someone?" he asked looking at me.
"Painting. But forget all that we need to go shopping or should I just call your mom?" I said.
"No we will go shopping then call my mom." He said.
"Deal, I think I have the name. Princeton James and we call him PJ. PJ Herrington." I said picking up the tiny blue ball.
"PJ, I like it." He said kissing me then PJ.
"Come on we can turn, Ally's seat around until we get one. You can drive and I will sit in the back with him." I said heading towards the garage.
"Okay." he said following me.
I went to the only place I knew to buy it all. Walmart. I might have money but I am still going to shop at Walmart.

The Wolf's Cave
WerwolfLeif Austin Jones and his twin brother Liam Texas Jones were left on the door step of a local orphanage seventeen years ago. Little did they know they were left in the middle of Harrington pack territory. The only two humans to ever live in the litt...