Chapter 4

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"The winner is," said the announcer "team 7!!!"

"Did we just win a dance competition in 1953?" i asked the doctor and he looked backed with a huge grn across his face

We hug and i squeal as they hand us our trophy. All of a sudden we hear a scream from afar. The Doctor takes off running handing our trophy to a random man who gained a confused face. I took off running after him.

"Doctor!" I scream as i finally catch up to him. "What's going on?"

"Didn't you hear that scream?" He asked.

"Well yea bu-" i said

"Well let's go!" He interrupted.

We ran down a few allies until we came across a poodle skirt, a white top, and saddle shoes just lying on the ground. We looked at each other. Although the Doctor had a look on his face, a look of terror. I went wide eyed from that look on his face. I knew it was just something inadequate. I wasn't sure what i was in for. Though i knew it was going to be a hindrance. The Doctor picked up something white and it looked torn. He took out his sonic screwdriver and scanned it. He looked at his sonic screwdriver and you could see fear over taking his body.

"Oh no no no no no" he said as he squated down hitting his head.

"What? What's going on?" I asked.

"This can't be happening!" He whined.

"Doctor tell me, what's wrong?"

"The Cybermen." He responded.

"The who?" I asked.

"The Cybermen are a race of cyborgs that take humans and turn them into them." He  said.

"I know the meaning of borg, Doctor." I said.

"They're my most persistent enemy. I was sure i destroyed their race. They can't be back." He said.

He grabbed the clothes and took off. I followed him. We we're running forever, meeting every turns and corners. I finally had to stop. I was out of breath and i was wheezing.

"Are you ok?" He stops and asks.

"Yea, yea im fine. I'm just having a hard time breathing." I said

"Here, get on my back." He said.

I climbed on his back and he took off. He seemed like a frail man because he was so skinny but i guess i under estimated him. He ran so fast. Finally he set me down. He was out of breath so i helped him regain his breath. We walked back to the Tardis. I checked my phone which was in my backpack leaning against the bars. It was 10 pm.

"Doctor aren't we going to look for the cybermen?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. I need to think tonight." He said.

"Where am i gonna sleep?" I ask him.

He directed me down the hall. I walked into the room.

"Goodnight Doctor." I laugh and then close the door. I put the attire i was wearing in the closet, same with the clothes i had on before. I strip down into an under-tank and my underwear. I braided my hair and got into bed. I had laid there and just thought to myself. Did i make the right choice? Is this the right way to travel the world?  Whatever it is, it happened for a reason. I fell asleep within 7 minutes.

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