☾ Chapter Six

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Time flew by, before I knew it I had already been with the Onyx pack for a month. I was still in the same routine, breakfast with Octavia, afternoons will Millicent in the healer's house, but now some of my evenings were filled with combat. 

I wasn't amazing at fighting, but I was definitely improving. 

I was proud of myself, this was something I never thought I would do, but I was slowly learning.

I still hadn't seen much of Alpha Jett. I knew he was probably busy with pack leader duties, but was he really that busy? 

Why couldn't he make time to see me? Did he forget I was even here?

I sighed; things weren't how I thought it was going to be. For some reason, I thought we would've gotten married right away. I would be Luna, thrown into this new unknown part of life, navigating through it together. That wasn't the case though. I was a secret.

The only person I knew that was aware I was his mate is Millicent. I don't even know if Octavia knew. I mean she had to though, I don't think Alpha Jett would keep that from her since they were family, but if she knew she never said anything about it.

I checked the clock, only 8 pm way too early to go to bed. I let out a small sigh of frustration.

Why hasn't Alpha Jett come to see me?

Why haven't we talked?

Am I not his type?

Does he see me as a little girl?

Am I that unappealing...?

I didn't know what to do, my mind swirled with negative thoughts. I was too scared to approach him, maybe he's just forgotten I was here. 

The thought of him forgetting that I, his mate, was in the same house as him, pissed me off.

I threw on an oversized shirt and some shorts, determined to talk to him. After a few minutes, I found the door I was pretty sure was his office.

I hesitated, should I knock? What if he doesn't answer, or worse, what if he does answer and then tells me to go away. No, I would march in and give him a piece of my mind. Maybe, I cringed at myself. I wasn't sure what to do. 

With a small breath, I set my hand on the doorknob before I could talk myself out of it.

I slowly opened the door, "Alpha Je-" I froze. 

Alpha Jett was sitting in his chair, but he wasn't alone. On top of him was a blonde woman, in her underwear, her tongue deep down his throat slightly moaning. I stood there, unable to speak. 

Crushed. That's the only thing I felt. 

Even though the only thing I felt towards this man was the mating pull, I actively tried to be nice. I was trying to make an effort, but all he did was brush me off.

It's not my fault the Goddess decided to be like "Hey, you know what would really be fun, pairing you with a fucking asshole" THANKS, GODDESS. 

His eyes snapped open, looking straight at me as I stood in the doorway, my mouth hanging open. His expression gave away nothing as put his hand in the vixen's hair, pulling her closer.

He was treating me like a damned fool, but maybe that's what I was to him. A fool.

I backed away from the door, not even bothering to close it, stomping my way to my room. 

Each step I took, I felt the tears in my eyes threatening to spill over.

No.. you are stronger than that. You feel nothing for him, but this damn mating pull. You are worth more. He's an asshole.

At least that's what I wanted to feel.

My wolf was hurt, seeing our mate with someone else. I pit formed in my stomach. Why couldn't I have a regular mate? Someone who was caring, gentle and didn't have their hands in another woman's hair. 

The first tear fell, I couldn't help it. 

It sucked knowing I've been patiently waiting to spend time with him, making an effort to get to know people in this pack, just to know he's too busy shoving his tongue and god knows what else in other people. 

He probably has been with her this whole time, with no plans to stop regardless if I was here or not.

I made it back to my room, my body shaking as the tears came out at a steady pace. 

I have to get out. I need to escape for a bit. 

I didn't care for consequences. No, I needed out of this damn house for five minutes.

 I walked into the bathroom, the window above the bath had the quickest access to the tree line below. Deciding that was the best way to go, I threw open the window, jumping without a second thought.

I hit the ground with a hard thud, slowly snaking into the tree line, making sure no one saw me. I haven't been introduced formally to the pack yet, so who knows what would happen if they saw me sneaking around.

A few steps further, I decided it was safe to turn into my wolf, I quickly took off my clothes, and turned. It felt amazing, my wolf being out, the night air surrounding me. 

I loved my wolf dearly, I knew she was just as hurt as I was about seeing her mate with someone else.

 She didn't have anyone but me, we were both on the edge of depression. Clearing my mind of all thoughts, I scooped up the clothes in my mouth, and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, realizing I could make it to the river and back before sunrise.

I changed directions a bit, running hard towards the location of the river I had memorized.

The breeze felt refreshing as it went through my white fur, the dirt between my paws was a familiar feeling. 

This is exactly what I needed.

I continued running for another hour or so until I finally heard the sound of running water. Slowing down into a trot, I started following the sound with my ears. 

I was so excited, I sped back up and soon reached the bank of the river. It was a lot calmer than I thought it would be, a small waterfall came down into a large pool. It was perfect for relaxing in. 

I dropped my clothes, shifted back into my human form, slowly wading into the pool, naked. It was dark enough that even if someone were around, no one would be able to see my body. I laid down in the pool, feeling weightless as I floated on my pack. 

Staring up at the moon, I wondered why I was here. Out of all the people that could've been mates, why me? My thoughts consumed my mind; sadness had a firm grip on my heart.

 I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. I wanted just to float endlessly. I slowly relaxed as I floated weightlessly, feeling a small sense of peace.

I had begun drifting off when I heard something nearby in the trees.

I slowly raised my head looking around, examining everything surrounded the water, but nothing was there.

Relax... I exhaled, trying to calm myself down.

Another twig snapped at the moment I finished my thought. 

I immediately looked up, trying to find the source of the sound. Feeling nervous, I slowly made my way back to the bank, keeping a close eye on the treeline.


My breathing increased; something or someone was definitely there. I looked for any movement, catching a glimpse of a shadow behind a tree but it disappeared quickly.

I crouched low to the ground, unsure of what to do next. My head whipped in the opposite direction I was staring when I heard another twig snap.

As soon as I looked in the direction of the sound, I found a pair of green eyes reflecting brightly in the night, looking directly at me. 

A man slowly stepped out from behind the trees, a grin plastered on his face.

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