☾Chapter Thirty-eight

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We got back to the compound later than expected,  I was exhausted, but it was fun, nice to just spend time with the girls.

I walked up the stairs of Jett's house, smiling at the day's events. I let out a content sigh as I grabbed some clothes to bring into Jett's room.

After I grabbed a handful, I walked back out when I heard rustling coming from Jett's Office.

I frowned, if he were back he would've told me, and I knew no one was supposed to be in there without him.

The door was slightly open, I poked my head in and watched a pack member I didn't recognize slowly go through the Jett's desk.

Something was off, I didn't know every pack member, but this guy did not seem familiar, he didn't smell like the other pack members. He didn't have the dark hair and olive skin that was so prominent in the Onyx pack.

I cleared my throat, the man's head whipped up to me, his eyes slightly bulging.

His eyes studied me intently causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand.

"You're not supposed to be in here," I said flatly, trying to make my tone final.

He shifted, glancing down to whatever he was looking at on Jett's desk before finally responding.

"Sorry ma'am, I'll leave at once."

I raised an eyebrow, ma'am? Besides the few friends I had here, I was now addressed as Luna regardless if I knew the person or not. I started to feel even more uneasy, this man was not from this pack, especially since I was announced as Luna only a day before, if he was here he would have known.

He quietly shuffled out the room and out of the house. I watched him close the door before I quickly made my way back to Jett's office to make sure nothing was stolen.

I sighed a bit; it's not like I would even be able to notice if something missing or not, I didn't know everything that was on his desk.

I contemplated calling Jett to let him know, but he wouldn't be back till tomorrow, so I didn't want to put him even more on edge.

With a huff I left, making sure the door shut behind me before walking back into Jett's room. After I put the clothes I brought away. I quickly showered before snuggling into his bed, thankful it smelled like him.

I woke up to the multiple voices yelling in my head. I grabbed my head a bit, looking at the clock beside me. It was almost two, what on earth?

"Luna!" Another voice yelled.

I could barely keep up with everyone calling for me. Finally a voice I knew cut through them all.

"Rhea!" Athena's voice came through, "You need to come outside!"

Without even answering, I ran outside as fast as I could still in my oversized shirt and shorts, not even stopping for shoes.

The minute I stepped outside, it was pure chaos. I stared in horror at the flames that engulfed multiple houses; the smoke burned my throat.

"Oh my Goddess..." I whispered, suddenly being pulled in a direction towards a house that was on fire.

My mind slightly registered that it was Octavia, "Rhea!" her voice brought me out of my shock.

"What happened?" I yelled over the screaming people.

"I don't know! There are people in some of the houses though!"

I looked around, a few people were hysterically crying, most worked to put out the fires. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized Athena's small house was on fire.

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