☾ Chapter Nineteen

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I left the library, on the hunt for Jett, unsure of where he was. It's times like this I wish we were mated so that I could ask him through pack communication.

I called his name a few times, but no one answered. I groaned as I pat down my pockets, realizing I left my phone in my room.

I knew it was a bit late but I was excited, I wanted to talk about my discovery, about what it could mean, what we could do with it.

I left the house and walked over to the pack house, hoping to find him somewhere there.

I shivered at the slight breeze that was carried through the air, causing me to quicken my pace to get back inside.

I walked into the open space, searching around the room for Jett, my eyes finally finding him talking to Lexi.

My eyes automatically narrowed. Why is she always at his side? why was he even talking to her? I wanted to put her in the past, Jett hadn't even asked about why the hell I slapped him. I figured he knew why once he went into his office.

I let out a low growl, tired of getting jealousy. I wanted to believe that he wasn't seeing her and that maybe they were casually talking cause they are pack members, but I doubt it.

I rolled my eyes, not sure if I should approach or not when I felt a nudge behind me. I turned around to find a smiling Octavia, mischief evident in her eyes.

"Want to punch her with me?" she asked in all seriousness, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed, "As much as I would like to, I don't think that's the best idea. Besides Jett seems to be mad at her." I answered truthfully. The more I looked at them, the more the look on their faces and their body language said it was not a good conversation.

She nodded, "Because he is. He broke it off with her a while ago, she keeps hanging around, trying to get him back. So annoying, can't she find someone else to go bang?"

I cringed at the last part of her sentence, not wanting to think about her and Jett being intimate.

"So he really did break it off with her?" I asked.

"Mhm, she didn't take it very well. It was pretty funny," she replied, clearly amused.

I hummed in response, a smile tugging on the corner of my lips.

I gave her a quick wave and strode towards the two beautiful people. Their backs were now turned to me, whispering in hushed tones.

The conversation didn't seem pleasant; Jett was barely managing to keep his voice a whisper, annoyance clear in his voice.

I awkwardly cleared my throat to get their attention, instantly regretting it when they both whipped their heads around to face me, rage contorted both their expressions.

My eyes widened a bit, is it too late to back turn around? I shook my head slightly to get the thoughts out.

"Jett, can I speak to you?" I asked slowly.

He relaxed his face a bit, giving me a brief nod.

"Seriously? You're just going to interrupt our conversation?" Lexi snapped at me, pointing her perfectly manicured fingernail at me.

"Yes, she is," Jett spat back. "I told you to leave me alone anyways."

"Whatever, I'll be by later anyway," she rolled her eyes.

"No, you won't. We're not together anymore Lexi, get that through your empty head," he yelled at her.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the face of shock she made. Jett just called her stupid, and it was terrific.

She huffed, walking away without another word, leaving me with a victorious smile. I focused back on Jett who glared at her retreating figure.

I placed my hand on his arm, "Jett, I need to talk to you about something."

"If it's about Lexi, I promise I-"

"It's not, let's go talk somewhere private," I cut him off. I was beginning to trust him more and more, and somehow I feel like even though the slap was probably deserved for his earlier behavior, it shouldn't have been because of Lexi.

He nodded, taking my hand in his as we walked out of the pack house back to his house. He guided me through the wing I didn't usually go into, the part that held his bedroom. Since Jett and I got had a rocky start, I figured avoiding this area all together would be best for both of us.

He slowly opened the door revealing his bedroom, I instantly forgot how to breathe, panic filling my eyes.

"Oh no that's not what I me-" I started to stumble over my words.

He let out a small laugh, "Trust me I know. This room will be the safest place to talk though," he casually replied as he led me further into the room.

I looked around the room, it was a similar layout to mine, but everything was darker. Darker furniture, darker bedding, small pictures of his parents lined the dresser.

I let go of his hand and slowly made my way to them, picking the biggest frame up to examine it. I was feeling curious, and I still knew so little about my mate. I didn't want to push him more than he'd already told me, something told me he would tell me on his own terms. I glanced at the frame I was holding, it was a picture of small Jett and his mother in the flower garden. I looked at his mother; she was beautiful. Small features, long brown hair framed her face, her petite frame barely able to hold Jett as they both laughed.

"She was beautiful" I whispered.

He took the frame out of my hand, setting it back down giving me a small smile. My heart squeezed at the look on his face, the pain of losing his mom was still as fresh as the day she was killed. I stepped forward and crashed into his chest, wrapping my arms around him as tight as I could.

I wished I could take even a sliver of the pain away from him, but I knew that pain would stay with him forever.

He wrapped his arms are me tightly, comforting me more than I comforted him. I sighed in content; something about this just felt so natural.

After a moment Jett broke the silence, "You had something to talk about?"

"Oh!" I exclaimed, breaking our hug. "Yes! I was in the library earlier looking for anything regarding Thane and the war, and the contract that was made."

"Okay?" he replied slowly, clearly not knowing where this was going. "I've looked over those books and documents countless of times. There's nothing in there that can help us."

I smiled at him; I knew something he didn't.

"You're wrong. There is something."

"What?" he frowned, looking unsure.

"I found a small journal, talking about the Moon Valley pack. During an eclipse, the healers that had joined, their fur turned red, and they gained a large amount of strength! The Beta said if there were more of them, it could've shifted the tides!" I excitedly exclaimed, smiling at the bit of information I found after hours of research.


"What?! I haven't even told you about my plan!" I said in disbelief.

"I already know what you want to do. You want to fight." He answered a bit harsh, "I will not risk your life for the pack," he replied gently, tucking some loose hair behind my ear.

"I want to help Jett, I'm apart of this pack now. Besides, I won't be the only Moon Valley wolf that will fight," I grinned up at him.

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to finish.

"We're going to get all the Moon Valley Pack to help."

"Rhea, no, I do not want to risk your life or the lives of your pack! What happens if everyone is killed! There will be no one left to carry on either pack!" Jett said, taking a step back from me. "I will not allow it."

"Jett," I took a step forward, putting my hands softly on his cheeks, he sighed at my touch.

"Let me help you the only way I know how. We have to fight if we want to set your pack free. This will work; trust me. We will win."

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