☾ Chapter Twenty-two

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The pack's mood shifted significantly after the Collection, most chose not to leave their homes, I wasn't used to seeing the compound so empty.

I've never experienced anything like that in my life. I honestly didn't know how I was supposed to go through that again. What is Millicent, Athena, or Octavia were chosen?

I shifted my body a bit in Jett's lap. We were watching a movie, neither one of us paying attention, our minds drifting to the events of the day before.

How were we supposed to fight someone who had no problem swooping in and taking people from their homes to do who knows what.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jett softly spoke in my ear.

I hesitated to answer; I knew Jett had an even harder time with the Collections. As Alpha, he felt his sole responsibility of keeping his pack safe, yet they were ripped from their false sense of security every other month.

"No..." I sighed.

I didn't want to make him mad by bringing it all back. The look on Jett's face during the event said it all. He was furious. I don't doubt if Thane was there, he would rip his head off with his bare hands.

He intertwined his hand with mine, slowly drawing circles with his thumb.

Both of us fell silent again, lost in the thoughts of our future.


"Come on, you can hit me harder than that!" Jett laughed at me while I threw up my hands, exasperated.

"I'm going to end up breaking my hands if I keep punching you. You're a wall!" I pushed him playfully on the arm.

He nodded, placing his hand on his chin while he thought about something.

"Let's do some endurance training then. We'll start by running five miles."

I laughed humorlessly, "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope," he said, popping the p.

I let out an unladylike groan, opening my mouth to agree once again.

"No arguing, let's get going," he said, suddenly jogging down dirt path that lead into the trees.

"Kill me," I muttered under my breath, forcing my legs to catch up.

An hour later, I was leaning against a tree for support, sweating way more than I should.

Jett walked over and laughed, taking off his shirt revealing his extremely muscular chest, "You know, that was a slow pace. You're going to have to seriously train your endurance."

"I hate running," I hissed between breaths, tearing my gaze away from his body.

Jett shrugged, "Well, you don't really have a choice, now do you?" Flashing me a smirk.

"I mean, I could just not run," I replied thoughtfully, weighing my options if I chose not to run.

He slapped my butt, flashing a grin, "Come on, we have to run back now."

For the second time, he quickly took off back towards the compound.

I let out a groan and followed behind, once again pushing my legs to the max to take another step.


After hours of training, Jett finally let me leave, satisifed with the progress I made.

I went back to the house to shower, ridding my body of the smell and feeling of sweat. I always hated the feeling of sweat on my body.

Once I was refreshed, I set back out to find Jett.

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