☾ Chapter Eleven

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Later that night, I sat on the foot of my bed, dialing the number I would never forget.


My mom answered almost immediately.

"Rhea, honey how are you?" she asked.

I miss the sound of her voice; I miss her hugs, I miss spending time in our garden together.

I sighed, I hadn't told them what happened, about the fight, about being injured, about... killing someone.

"Rhea?" her melodic voiced came through the line.

"Yeah yeah, sorry, I'm here. I'm good mom... how are you?" I answered. I would have to tell her. Eventually, I couldn't keep something like this from my family.

They would understand the pain this has caused me more than anyone the Onyx pack.

"I've missed you. You don't call nearly enough; I want to hear all about your new life, your mate. How are things with the pack? Have you made friends?" 

I felt like she was asking about my first day at school. I cut her off before she could ask another round of questions.

"Mom, I have to tell you something..." I bit my lip nervously. 

"Oh... um okay, I'm listening. Are you okay? Is it something bad? Or is it good news?"

I laughed; she could never wait around for news to be delivered.

I hesitated as I tried to force the words out of my mouth. My mom patiently waiting for me to speak.

I let out a small breath, "over a week ago; I was attacked by a Hunter."

I heard my mom gasp dramatically, I rolled my eyes slightly, I'm sure she was running to my dad to put me on speaker so he could hear the story as well, she always did that when she found out serious news.

I continued my story, "I was attacked, and I was shot with a silver bolt from a crossbow that had Wolfsbane on it. We... struggled for a bit, I fought for my life mom..." my voice began to fade, remembering the scene in my head.

I sighed, "We... I... I ended up killing the man. I don't know what happened next, but I woke up a week later."

The line was deathly silent for what seemed like forever.

"You... oh Rhea, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I am so sorry your life was put in that situation. Rhea honey..." my mom said. It was clear she didn't know what to say; knowing words over a phone could only bring so much comfort.

"Why was Alpha Jett not with you?!" my dad screamed through the phone. I moved the phone away from my ear while he yelled obscenities until he calmed down.

I had to choose my words carefully; I didn't want to let my parents know that my mate was seeing someone else and was the reason for what had happened.

"I was running through the woods, and he came out of nowhere..." I replied. Hopefully, it came off like the truth; it partially was.

"Uh-huh, and why wasn't he with you?" my dad replied.

"We um... we don't see each other, or talk..." I said shamefully.

"You're mates, and you don't talk? Rhea..." my mom sounded sad. She knew I was how upset something like this would make me.

My vision of a mate had come from my parents, seeing them so in love made me crave a mate that would be the same. When I was younger, we spent hours talking about my mate, what it would be like to find true love, one that would last forever. 

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