☾Chapter Thirty-nine

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I woke up to the sound of commotion, I slowly opened my eyes. I let out a small groan, wincing at the pain that surged through my body.

Most of the pack members were inside still, talking with each other.

I got up, taking a few steps up the nearby staircase.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked loudly in the now quiet the room, all eyes fixed on me.

Most people nodded their heads, others sat in silence. No one was crying as hard as earlier which I took for a good sign, and I had no reports that anyone had died.

"The people that are still injured can you please stay in here? Everyone who can work we need to start cleaning up outside," I yelled out again.

People immediately got up to head outside, while others stayed for another healing session.

Octavia walked over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay, but you look like hell," she sighed.

I hugged her back chuckling a bit, "I feel like hell. Did you tell Jett what happened?"

"Yeah, I called him this morning once things settled down a bit."

I nodded, as much as I wanted to think I could handle this alone, there was no way in hell I would be able to.

I sighed a bit before releasing her from my grip, "I have to go help a couple more people, but take care of yourself." She laughed while dusting some ash out of my hair.

"Okay, I'm going to go help outside," giving a quick wave as she walked outside.

I walked over to a person who stayed inside and began working on their wounds.

About an hour later, I had healed everyone again in the packhouse. Exhausted, I looked down at my legs. They looked better than yesterday but the pain was intense, it felt like my legs were constantly being burned. I sat against an empty wall, wincing a bit.

I began working on my legs, feeling a sense of relief as the pain started to lessen, but could only focus on healing for a few minutes. With no energy left, I sighed before getting up.

With a final glance making sure everything was okay inside, I walked outside to see the damage that was done in the daylight.

I walked straight to Athena and Ryker's house, frowning at the site. There was nothing left but some charred walls.

I spotted Athena standing outside, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

I touched her shoulder, "Hey," I said quietly.

She gave me a small smile in response before turning back to her destroyed house.

"I'm glad that you and Ryker are okay," I tried again.

She nodded her head, "Yeah, me too. I don't understand why all this happened..." she trailed.

I tightly squeezed her shoulder, "We'll get through this together," I tried to sound confident. I knew exactly why all this had happened, it was too much of a coincidence with Maddox showing up during mine and Jett's ceremony and then the stranger in Jett's office and now the fires... this was a warning.

The little hope I held that Maddox and Thane didn't know the full extent of our plan diminished the minute the fires were set. The thought made me uneasy, they found out, but the big question was how did they find out.

How did the mysterious man get inside the pack?

Who was the informant for Maddox?

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