Chapter 3

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I could hear people talking but I couldn't make out the words. Suddenly, I heard a voice that sounded way closer than I thought it should.
     "Oh hey! I remember you guys!"
Chapter 3: Meet and Greet
"Hey Jack, Ryan, and Adam! It's nice to finally meet you guys again! I'm surprised you remembered us!" Tyrece exclaimed.
     "Haha yeah! How could we forget you guys?" Jack replied. "You guys gave us extraordinary gifts! Plus, you guys are some of the most chill people we've met this tour."
     Marcie giggled. "Well we're here for round two of great gifts!"
     Adam looked like a proud dad that just revived a coffee mug with the words "#1 best dad" on it while Jack and Ryan's faces showed the look of little children in a candy store.
     "I guess we'll give them to you one at a time. We don't want to overwhelm you guys," Marce laughed. She handed the trio her handmade crafts.
     They all admired them, compliments being thrown around. "Did you make these yourself!?" Ryan asked.
     "Yes sir, I did!"
     They all looked so pleased at the crafts, I started to feel a little insecure about my own. Mine were just drawings, things that anyone could do. Their gifts were things that didn't come around often. I'm sure they had gotten tons of fanart all tour.
     Next, it was Tyrece's turn. He handed them the cupcakes that were in a sealed tight container. They took them with such care.
     "Obviously you guys can try these later, I suggest heating them up first, they taste a lot better warm in my opinion," Ty stated.
     The three nodded. "We will make sure to try them after the show! I'm sure they're delicious. Are these handmade or store bought?" Adam asked.
     "Hand made by the best chef at the house!" Tyrece tried to brag. But unfortunately for him, I knew how bad of a cook he was.
     "Oh please, I'm a much better cook than you are and you know it," I corrected.
     It then occurred to me that I hadn't spoken a word since we were stood in front of them. And to be honest when I answered I temporarily forgot that they were there. But now that I had finally said something, the other five's attention was on me.
"Last but not least, it's Laura's turn!" Ryan grinned.
     "I guess it's finally my turn now," I spoke much more quiet than I had intended to. I looked away, a slight blush covered my cheeks. I then handed them each their corresponding folders, holding the last 2 in my hands.
     They each decided to look at the folders one at a time. They all flipped through Adams folder first.
"Woah! You actually captured my hair correctly. Many people don't have the skills for that!" Adam praised.
They continued to flip through the folder until they reached the last page.
"What the hell? That's amazing!" Jack astonishingly said. He was looking at a realistic portrait of Adam and Emily. There were a few drawings of Emily individually and drawings of both of them in the folder but they were all stylized. At the end of each of their folders I had included a realistic drawing of them as well as a note that on the front clearly said to read after the show, not before.
They then moved on to Jacks folder. Once again looking at all the drawings and complimenting me on my artistic abilities. Jack saying that he would definitely show these to his girlfriend. They finally moved onto Ryan's folder, the one that had the most fanart by quite a bit. They didn't seem to notice though.
"Your style is so cute!" Ryan spoke.
     "Like you?" I muttered under my breath. Obviously it wasn't meant for anyone to hear but just at that moment Ryan had glanced at me for a second and then back to the drawings. And I couldn't help but think that he had heard my very embarrassing comment.
     After they finished looking through their folders I handed Adam the other 2. "These two are for JJ and Chris. Please give these to them when you get the chance," I added. "It was a pleasure meeting you guys for the second time and im pretty sure I'm the most surprised out of the three of us that you actually remembered who we are."
     "Like Jack said before, how couldn't we Remember you guys! We constantly see your tweets and posts in our feed and you guys are some of the most chill and kindest people we've met! I hope you come to further shows so we can see you more often, but obviously I understand if you can't," Ryan responded.
     "That's so sweet of you guys! But I'm not one-hundred percent sure on how many more shows we can go to, we all have work and we don't get paid as much as you'd think. We will see how it goes though! I'm sure we should get going though, you guys probably still have some last minute work to do before the show starts, we would also like to get a good spot on the floor," Marcie interjected.
     Before we could get going, Jack started to talk, "Of course! We understand. And yeah, we do have some last minute stuff that we should be doing right now, I hope you all enjoy the show! Before you go, could I talk to Laura for a second?" I could see a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.
     I was astounded. I nodded my head and told Marce and Ty to go get barricade and that I would meet up with them in a few before following Jack to the corner of the room away from the other two members of the band. "So, whats so important that you needed to talk to me of all people?" I inquired.
     Jack looked around before he started to speak, "I know a little someone who won't shut up about how good your art is and how talented you are, and some other stuff I'm not allowed to talk about. But we, well I, was wondering if you wanted to help out with some art for our new album covers or animated music videos? I know it's kind of a lot and you obviously don't have to answer but-"
"Jack! Come on! We're on a schedule remember!" Adam called form across the room.
"Well, I'll get back to you about this later. Just message me on Instagram and I'll answer as soon as possible. I've got to go. Have fun!" Jack hurriedly said. He then rushed to the other boys to help set up.
It was a lot to take in. And I knew it would take some time for me to fully decide and comprehend what just happened. But there were more important stuff I should be doing right now. So I ran out the doors and asked the guard which was the way to the crowd. He pointed me straight from the way we first came in. I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock, luckily the show wasn't supposed to start for another hour. Our time in the meet and greet hall seemed like hours but in reality it was only about 30 minutes. Anyways, I finally made it to the GA floor and was looking for Marcie and Tyrece. I texted them a quick,
"Where are you?" and ran through the crowd. There wasn't as many people as I thought. This show wasn't sold out nor was it very close to being sold out. Georgia was not a place many people came to so I don't expect as many people as New York or Chicago had to be here. I revived a message back saying that the duo was up in the front. They had gotten barricade. I yelped in joy and continued my way through the crowd shouting things like, "Excuse me, sorry, and sorry my friends are up front." Luckily I found Marcie and Ty quickly and we were just chilling around. Each of us on our phones and taking about random stuff. I decided to tweet about the meet and greet seeing as though it went well.
     The meet and greet with AJR went so well! They're so sweet and I loved meeting them for the second time! They actually remembered who @RoseHead224, @ImmatureDragon, and I were! I can't wait! The show starts in 20 minutes and I'm so excited!"
I smiled to myself as I hit tweet. The boys were some of the nicest people I've met and I can't believe that they rembered us. It was like a dream come true!
"So, what'd Jack want to talk to you about?" Tyrece asked.
I debated telling them, I wasn't sure if I should because I hadn't made a final decision yet. I decided on telling them that it was nothing important. Just as I was about to speak, the lights dimmed and AJR came out onto the stage. They stood up in the middle of the stage and started to say a speech.
     "I'll tell you guys later!" I shouted over the hundreds of people shouting.
     This night, was about to be amazing.

There may be a delay on chapter 4 because I have a serious writers block already

1568 words

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